#德国小哥:每个国家都应先戴上“口罩”,再帮助别人!中国就是这样的#德国小哥:每个国家都应先戴上“口罩”,再帮助别人!中国就是这样的 | 海外抗疫日记
德国小哥马库斯(Markus Kuhlo)曾在中国工作6年,去年回国 。疫情期间,马库斯 看到了德国人对疫情的态度发生了变化,这让他感到欣慰 。
而得知中国向其他国家驰援时,他想到了飞机上的一句安全广播:“在您帮助他人戴好氧气面罩时,请先自己戴上 。” 他表示,中国现在就是这么做的!
一月份疫情爆发时,我可以看到两个群体的反应 。其中一个群体,大多数是我们的中国朋友和同事,他们对这个话题非常敏感,每天观看中国的新闻 。所以他们比我们欧洲的朋友更了解形势 。
When it all started back in January, I could see two groups of people. We had one group of people which were mostly our Chinese friends and colleagues that are very sensitive to the topic. They were reading all the news reports from China, so they have been much more aware of the situation than our European friends.
我们可以看到大家出门去购物的时候戴上了手套 。大多数人现在都戴上了手套,我们还看到很多人现在也戴上了口罩,而在此之前这是很不常见的 。
We can now see people wearing gloves when they go shopping. Most of the people are wearing gloves now. And we also can see many people now wearing face masks, which was very unusual before.
现在人们交流也开始保持一定的社交距离,走在大街上大家都自觉保持1米、1米5的安全距离 。如果你不保持一定的安全距离,他们还会提醒你 。
People are now really practicing social distancing. If you walk outside on the street, people will keep one meter, 1.5 meters distance from you. And they will remind you if you don"t.
现在大家都应该意识到戴口罩并不是保护自己,实际上是保护他人 。我觉得任何形式的歧视都是无法接受的,任何人都不应该因为他们来自何方或者是否戴口罩而遭受歧视 。 分页标题
Now everybody should realize that wearing a mask is not to protect yourself. It"s actually to protect others. I think discrimination in any way is unacceptable. Nobody should be discriminated because where they are from or if they wear a mask or not.
但我现在想到更多的是,那些在机舱内播放的安全视频 。视频里经常会说“在您帮助他人戴上氧气面罩之前,请自己先戴好” 。
But I like to think about it moreas they mentioned those security videos in airplanes. They always tell you put on your own mask first before you help others to put on their masks.
现在我们在欧洲正处在这样的境地,每个国家都在努力先戴上他们自己的“氧气面罩”做好自己 。幸运的是,中国已进入一个阶段,他们已经戴上了自己的“氧气面罩”,现在他们有能力帮助别人了 。我想很多欧洲人也会心存感激 。
【#德国小哥:每个国家都应先戴上“口罩”,再帮助别人!中国就是这样的#德国小哥:每个国家都应先戴上“口罩”,再帮助别人!中国就是这样的 | 海外抗疫日记】I think right now we"re in exactly that situation where every country tries to put on their own mask first. Luckily, China already is in a situation where they already put on their oxygen mask and are now able to help others. And I think many people here in Europe appreciate that.
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