

Instead of being the most honoured and responsible occupation, education is now considered slightingly, and most educators are fixed in a routine. They are not really concerned with integration and intelligence, but with the imparting of information; and a man who merely imparts information with the world crashing about him is not an educator.
教育如今受到了轻视 , 而不被看作一项最光荣且责任重大的工作 , 并且大部分的教育者都已固化在例行公事当中 。 他们只关心传授知识 , 并不真正关心人的完整与智慧;而一个只传授知识 , 却任由世界在其四周崩溃的人 , 算不上是个教育者 。
An educator is not merely a giver of information; he is one who points the way to wisdom, to truth. Truth is far more important than the teacher. The search for truth is religion, and truth is of no country, of no creed, it is not to be found in any temple, church or mosque. Without the search for truth, society soon decays. To create a new society, each one of us has to be a true teacher, which means that we have to be both the pupil and the master; we have to educate ourselves.
教育者并不只是一个传授知识的人 , 他是一个指向智慧、指向真理的人 。 真理远比教师重要 , 对真理的探索便是宗教 。 而真理不属于任何国家 , 不属于任何教条 , 在任何的寺庙、教堂或清真寺中都无法寻到它 。 如果缺乏对真理的探索 , 则社会很快便会腐化 。 要创造一个新的社会 , 我们每一个人都必须是一个真正的教师 。 也就是说 , 我们身兼学生和老师 , 我们必须教育我们自己 。
If a new social order is to be established, those who teach merely to earn a salary can obviously have no place as teachers. To regard education as a means of livelihood is to exploit the children for one's own advantage. In an enlightened society, teachers will have no concern for their own welfare, and the community will provide for their needs.
如果要建立一个新的社会秩序 , 则那些只为谋生而从事教育的人显然是不能当教师的 。 将教育视为一种谋生的工具 , 是为了自己的利益而剥削孩子 。 在一个开明的社会里 , 教师将不必担心他自身的福利 , 社会将提供给他生活所需 。
The true teacher is not he who has built up an impressive educational organization, nor he who is an instrument of the politicians, nor he who is bound to an ideal, a belief or a country. The true teacher is inwardly rich and therefore asks nothing for himself; he is not ambitious and seeks no power in any form; he does not use teaching as a means of acquiring position or authority, and therefore he is free from the compulsion of society and the control of governments. Such teachers have the primary place in an enlightened civilization, for true culture is founded, not on the engineers and technicians, but on the educators.
真正的教师 , 并不是一个建立庞大教育机构的人 , 他不是政客的工具 , 也不被某种理想、某种信仰或某个国家所束缚 。 真正的教师是一个内心充实的人 , 因此他为自己毫无所求 。 他没有野心 , 不追求任何形式的权力 , 他不利用教育作为获取地位、权威的手段 , 因此 , 他能免于社会的压制以及政府的操纵 。 这样的教师在一个开化的文明中 , 具有首要的地位 , 因为真正的文化并非奠基于工程师或专家 , 而是教育者的身上 。分页标题
Education and the Significance of Life, Chapter 5
《一生的学习》 , 第5章
