TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.43-5.45】

本文《TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.43-5.45】》是傻大方资讯网小编整理于开放的互联网,版权归原作者所有。

TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.43-5.45】

TKT Glossary 新东方师训讲堂本篇词汇:

5.43. Gesture

5.44. Gist

5.45. Graded Reader




Graded reader is a fiction or non-fiction book where the language level has been adjusted for learners (e.g. simplified grammar and vocabulary).

These are usually published in series and are ranked in levels (often CEF levels).

Many now come complete with audio, some even have web video, but are often neglected by teachers because they require out of classroom management.

点击左下角阅读原文,浏览上期内容TKT视频大辞典【5.40. Functional Approach, 5.41. Game, 5.42. Gap-Fill】


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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.43-5.45】

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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.43-5.45】

TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.43-5.45】