‘black sheep’如果你以为是“黑色的绵羊”,那可就大错特错了!



英语中把代人受罪、替人“背锅”的人称为“scapegoat [?ske?pg??t] ”,意思就是替罪羊,把家族中有辱门第的成员称为“black sheep”,相当于中文里的败家子、害群之马。可你知道为什么替罪的、败家的偏偏是羊,而不是其他动物呢?

‘black sheep’如果你以为是“黑色的绵羊”,那可就大错特错了!
‘black sheep’如果你以为是“黑色的绵羊”,那可就大错特错了!

正在补脑 ing...

In the English language, black sheep is an idiom used to describe an odd or disreputable member of a group, especially within a family. 

在英语中,black sheep这个习语用于形容群体中格格不入或者声名狼藉的成员,尤其是家族中。

The term stems from the genetic effect in sheep whereby a recessive gene occasionally manifests in the birth of a sheep with black rather than white coloring; these sheep stand out in the flock and their wool was traditionally considered less valuable.


‘black sheep’如果你以为是“黑色的绵羊”,那可就大错特错了!

Black wool was considered commercially undesirable because it could not be dyed. In 18th and 19th century England, the black color of the sheep was seen as the mark of the devil.


In psychology, the black sheep effect refers to the tendency of group members to judge likeable ingroup members more positively and deviant ingroup member more negatively than comparable outgroup members


In modern usage, the expression has lost some of its negative connotations, though the term is usually given to the member of a group who has certain characteristics or lack thereof deemed undesirable by that group.

在现代用语中,关于black sheep的一些负面含义已经消失,不过,这个习语还是经常被用来形容群体中因具有某种特殊特征或缺陷,而不受该群体欢迎的成员。

‘black sheep’如果你以为是“黑色的绵羊”,那可就大错特错了!

In psychology, the black sheep effect refers to the tendency of group members to judge likeable ingroup members more positively and deviant ingroup member more negatively than comparable outgroup members


In modern usage, the expression has lost some of its negative connotations, though the term is usually given to the member of a group who has certain characteristics or lack thereof deemed undesirable by that group.

在现代用语中,关于black sheep的一些负面含义已经消失,不过,这个习语还是经常被用来形容群体中因具有某种特殊特征或缺陷,而不受该群体欢迎的成员。

‘black sheep’如果你以为是“黑色的绵羊”,那可就大错特错了!

生 词

black sheep [bl?k ?i:p] 害群之马,败类,败家子

My younger brother is the black sheep of the family.



Is Jon a Black sheep? You"re kidding!



odd  [?d] adj.古怪的;奇数的;剩余的;临时的n.奇特的事物;怪人;[高尔夫球]多于对方的一次击球

disreputable  [d?s?repj?t?bl] adj.名誉不好的,不体面的;为人所不齿

stems n.(花草的)茎( stem的名词复数 );词干;(高脚酒杯的)脚;烟斗柄v.遏制[阻止](液体的流动等)( stem的第三人称单数 );封堵;遏止

recessive gene [r??ses?v d?i:n] 隐性基因

manifests 显现;清楚表示( manifest [?m?nifest] 的第三人称单数 );显露;使人注意到

flock  [fl?k] n.兽群,鸟群;群众;棉束;大堆,大量vi.群集,成群结队而行vt.用棉束填

commercially  [k?"m?:??l?] adv.商业上,通商上

undesirable  [??nd??za??r?bl] adj.不良的;不合需要的;不受欢迎的,讨厌的;不方便的n.不受欢迎的人;不良分子

ingroup  ["?ngru:p] n.内集团,派系,小集团

negatively  ["neɡ?t?vl?] adv.否定地;消极地;取消地;负地

outgroup ["a?tɡru:p] n.外集团,外围集团

Connotations [k?n?"te??nz] n.含义( connotation的名词复数 );隐含意义;言外之意;内含

thereof [?ee?r??v] adv.其;它的;关于那;由此

deemed v.认为,相信( deem [di:m] 的过去式和过去分词 );想

undesirable [??nd??za??r?bl] adv.不良的;不合需要的;不受欢迎的,讨厌的;不方便的


‘black sheep’如果你以为是“黑色的绵羊”,那可就大错特错了!



心了,下次一定会注意 写错更多,

