

学习一门语言,我认为目的是要能够把这门语言当作工具熟练使用,甚至可以把它当作母语。英语学习主要就是交流、听力、写作。For me, studying a language, it is a kind of tool to put to use. But this tool requires a lot of practice and familiarization. Eventually, I want this tool to be just as effective as my mother tongue. For the most part, English consists of three parts: communication, listening and writing.


个人认为“说”是最重要的。可以这么说吧,一个人说的话肯定比他自己写过的字多。对于每一个学习英语的人来说,最憧憬的就是那些和外国人对话如流的大佬了。当然,想要达到这样的境界是很难的,想要熟练运用英语,只有像学习中文一样,将自己放入一个英文的语境。但是我们不可能长期待在国外(可能部分同学可以),所以我是通过多看英文影视节目来营造英语环境的。本来我就非常喜欢看marvel的动漫,再加上经常去电影院看外国大片,所以培养出了类似于语感的东西,不过说句实话,我的动机只是单纯的想学学帅气的台词。In my opinion, speaking is the most important. Put it like this: we definitely speak more than we write. For an English learner, what we really long for is the opportunity to converse fluently with a native speaker. Of course reaching that level is tough. From the time we were born the language slowly taking shape in our heads was Chinese. If you really want to get good at English, you need to treat it just the way you learnt your native language, by being totally immersed in that environment. But not al of us are able to leave the country for long periods of time, so I have tried as much as possible to replicate this at home. Even simple ways such as watching English TV shows can be effective. I used to love Marvel comics, and would always go to see a new Marvel film when they came out. Things like this can help us pick up a feel for what is natural in the language (although, when it comes to marvel, what I care about most is actually picking up cool expressions.)


光是有语感是不够的,想要沟通无障碍,尤其是出国后能够跟上外国老师的高速口语授课,听力也是很重要的,注意不是听力题,而是听力的能力。其实有关“听”的经验(历),最恐怖的就是被连读支配的时光,不是那种I’m的连读,是那种放慢了两放倍都听不出来竟然这里有一个单词的连读。虽然听起来有一点无解,可是仔细想一想,中文中的日常对话中如果有一个人省略了一两个字,好像也不会影响到我们的理解。那么这就又需要用到影视节目了,多听听演员的对话,习惯他们的说话方式就ok了。But it is not enough to just have a feel for the language; our aim has to be effortless communication in the language. Just think about our future classes abroad where we will be confronted with the rapid speech of our lecturers. In this case we need to develop our listening, and I do not mean listening exercises, but our real listening ability. For example, one of the most fearsome things about English is the dreaded linking of sounds (or elision). I am not talking about simple things such as “I’m”, no, I mean the kind of speech where even slowed down you cannot even tell there are individual words being spoken. Although it may sound incomprehensible, but if you think about it, similar things happen in Chinese. Often Chinese people will leave out a character or two, and it has no impact on he the listener’s comprehension. So we just need to practice. Listen to a few more actors’ speech and get familiar with the kind of sounds they omit. 



Finally, we have writing, another extremely important part of communicating in a foreign language. One part that people often overlook when it comes to English, is that their grammar may be spot on, but it may just be worded a little awkwardly. The solution to this problem is to gain more and more experience. Read more books and scripts, watch more TV shows and films and build up a bank of set phrases used in the way that native English speakers use them.


著名的艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线Ebbinghaus forgetting curve

英语的学习离不开记忆。在这方面,我并不是一个特别勤奋的人,有的时候比起盲目的大量记忆,我认为周期性的记忆更加有效。当然,懒人有懒人的方法,我觉得学习英语呢,不仅要有巧妙地学习方法,天道酬勤也是硬道理。The final element is remembering it all. I am not an especially studious person, and I personally believe that rather than just blindly trying to memorise something, you need to periodically keep coming back to it.Of course lazy people have lazy ways of doing things, but they are not just gimmicks. Use whatever way works best for you is a steadfast rule to follow.

作者 | MYP G9(1) 张嘉瑞








