TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.28-5.30】

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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.28-5.30】

TKT Glossary 新东方师训讲堂本篇词汇:

5.28. Drill

5.29. Dynamics / Group Dynamics

5.30. Eclectic / Eclecticism




Dynamics refers to the interactions that take place between groups, e.g. the learners in a class.

An important teacher role is to promote a “positive group dynamic” by considering:

1. The use of group tasks;

2. The size of groups;

3. Keeping group tasks meaningful and purposeful;

4. Discussing the importance of group tasks with the class.

(See → Interaction)


Eclectic / Eclecticism


An eclectic teaching style is the one that takes elements from different methodologies, for example, a combination of communicative, deductive, inductive and task-based methods.

While this may seem to be an appealing idea, many experts argue that as a methodology, it is too unstructured. Instead, it is argued that a teacher should use techniques from different styles and reflect what works or doesn"t work with certain groups of learners and build on that reflection to create a teaching style suitable for that group.

Learners can also be involved in what they think works and don’t work.

(See → Communicative Approach; Deductive Learning; Task-based Learning)

点击左下角阅读原文,浏览上期内容TKT视频大辞典【5.25. Cue Card, 5.26. Deductive Learning / Deduction, 5.27. Dialogue】

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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.28-5.30】

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TKT视频大辞典【Methodology 5.28-5.30】