一键报名 | 2018 宁海越野跑节(Ninghai Classic)
报 名 信 息
2018年03月10日、11日 浙江宁海县
1. 经典 50K
2. 挑战 12K
3. 青少年越野赛
挑战 12K:2018年03月10日 13:00
青少年越野赛:2018年03月10日 13:30
经典 50K:2018年03月11日 6:00
参 赛 条 件
经典 50K
1. 18周岁至65周岁(1953年03月11日(含)-出生2000年03月11日(含)出生)
2. 身体健康,长期参加跑步运动或具备一定训练基础。无高血压、心脏病史及其他不宜剧烈运动的疾病
挑战 12K
1. 16周岁至65周岁(1953年03月10日(含)-出生2002年03月10日(含)出生)
2. 身体健康,长期参加跑步运动或具备一定训练基础。无高血压、心脏病史及其他不宜剧烈运动的疾病
1. 每组由一个家长和一个孩子共同参与;参赛成员只有家长或只有小孩将不被认可。
2. 家长须18周岁至65周岁(1953年03月10日(含)-出生2000年03月10日(含)出生)
3. 孩子须8周岁至18周岁(2000年03月10日(不含)-2010年03月10日(含)出生);
4. 身体健康,长期参加跑步运动或具备一定训练基础。无高血压、心脏病史及其他不宜剧烈运动的疾病;
名 额 及 报 名 费
名额总计 1200人:经典50K 800人, 挑战12K 200人, 青少年越野赛 200人。
报 名 流 程
1. 进入赛事官网的报名页面
2. 选择参赛项目
3. 填写报名资料/仔细阅读并确认免责声明
4. 提交报名后,直接进入支付流程
5. 支付
6. 报名成功
无 法 参 赛 以 及 名 额 转 让
完 赛 奖 励
若有任何疑问,请联系 service@skyviewsport.com
Registration Information
Time & Venue
March 10 and 11, 2018, Ninghai County, Zhejiang
1. Classic 50K2. Challenge 12K3. Young Athlete
Registration Time
10 a.m. November 8, 2017 – 6 p.m. February 9, 2018
Please note that all payments must be finished by the time of registration closed.Entry slot will not be reserved for anyone if the payment is not finished by the time of registration closed.
Classic 50K
1. From 18 to 65 years old (born between March 11, 1953 and March 11, 2000)
2. Be healthy. Having good knowledge and experience of running or physical exercise. No hypertension, heart disease history or any other disease, which is inappropriate for strenuous exercise.
Challenge 12K
1. From 16 to 65 years old (born between March 10, 1953 and March 10, 2002)
2. Be healthy. Having good knowledge and experience of running or physical exercise. No hypertension, heart disease history or any other disease, which is inappropriate for strenuous exercise.
Young Athlete
1. Formed by one adult and one minor. (Only adults or minors will not be accepted.)2. Adults from 18 to 65 years old (born between March 10, 1953 and March 10, 2000)3. Minors from 8 years old to 18 under (born between March 10, 2000 (before this date)and March 10, 2010 ).
4. Be healthy. Having good knowledge and experience of running or physical exercise. No hypertension, heart disease history or any other disease, which is inappropriate for strenuous exercise.
Entry Limit and Registration Fee
The race is limited to 1200 entries in all: Classic 50K 800 entries, Challenge 12K 200 entries, and Young Athlete 200 entries.
Remarks: The enties fee will RMB 700 after Feb 01,2018
Remarks: 2017 Ultra-trail ninghai volunteers enjoy 20% discount(limited classic 50K,challenge 12K),limit sign uo before 18:00 on December 31,2017.Registration please visit:ninghaiclassic.skyviewsport.com
No qualification assessment.Payment can be done right after registration information submitted.Entry slot will be secured once payment finished successfully.
Registration Procedure
A. Log into Registration page of the official websiteB. Select distanceC. Fill in the application formD. Read and sign the Desclaimer.E. Fill in registration informationF. Directed to payment step.G. Registration succeeded
Withdrawn and Transfer
Please apply to the race committee before January 31 at 18:00, 2018 to get a 60% refund if you have to withdraw from the race. If you cannot attend the race and miss withdraw apply time,you can authorize someone take your ID card copy to pick up your race packet (except your BIB and time chip). We will not provide race packet mailing service if you do not pick up your race packet in time.
Entry transfer is disallowed in all groups. If one is caught racing with a bib number registered to another individual, both individuals will be disqualified and banned from any of our future races.
Finisher Awards
Classic 50K,Challenge 12KAll finishers will get a souvenir. Top three winners in both male and female group will be awarded. In three working days after the race, competitors can log in to the official website of Ninghai Classic to download and print the race certificate.
Young Athlete
All finishers will get a souvenir. Top three winners in both male and female group will be awarded(decided by the minor"s gender and two people need to arrive at the same time). In three working days after the race, competitors can log in to the official website of Ninghai Classic to download and print the race certificate.
For more information, please see WeChat Public Account "SkyViewSport" and Sina Weibo account "穹景体育". Please feel free to contact us at service@skyviewsport.com for any questions you may have.
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