



1  Birmingham city university 伯明翰城市大学

·      ACCA

·      MSc Advanced computer science

·      MSc Healthcare management

·      MSc management and international business

·      MSc Management and finance

·      LLM International business law

·      Research to phD (Business)

·      International MBA

·      MA English linguistics

2   University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学

·       Civil Engineering & Management

·       Electronics & Electrical Engineering

·       Electronics & Electrical Engineering& Management*

·        Physics: Global Security

·        Physics: Life Sciences

·       Physics: Nuclear Technology

    3University of Northampton 北安普顿大学

·       MA Fine Art

·       MSc International Marketing Strategy

·       MA International Tourism Development

·       MBA

·       MSc Accounting and Finance

·       MSc Computing

·       MA Education Management and Leadership

·       MSc Environmental Management

·       LLM – International Commercial Law

·       LLM – International Criminal Law & Security

·       MA International Relations


3  University of Newcastle 纽卡斯尔大学

·     Architecture

·     Business and Management

·     Humanities and Social Sciences

·     Physical Sciences and Engineering

·     Biological and Biomedical Sciences

·     Business and Management, BA

·     Marketing and Management, BA

·     Marketing, BSc

4   Brunel University布鲁内尔大学

·     Marketing MSc

·     Accounting and Business Management MSc

·     Business Intelligence and Social Media MSc

·     Management (General Management) MSc

·     Management (Branding and Marketing) MSc

·     Management (Technology and Innovation) MSc

·     Management (Creative Industries) MSc

·     Human Resource Management MSc

·     Human Resource and Employment Relations MSc

·     Business Administration MBA


·     Master of Laws (LLM)

·     International Commercial Law LLM

·     International Financial Regulation and Corporate Law LLM

·     International Human Rights Law LLM








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