Many stores sell organic fruits and vegetables even though they often cost more than conventional fruits and vegetables.
Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?
In many places, you can buy organic fruits and vegetables that have been grown without chemicals. People like this kind of food because it is better for their health than conventional food. It also costs more, but I believe it is worth the higher price.
People choose organic fruits and vegetables for many reasons, but I believe the main reason is health. Conventional fruits and vegetables are grown with chemicals that are used to fertilize the soil and kill weeds and insects. These fruits look big and clean when they are in the store. However, they are also filled with chemicals. You may not be able to see the chemicals, but they are there. People who are concerned about eating these chemicals buy organic fruits and vegetables. They are worried about getting cancer and other diseases from eating conventional food. Many parents, especially, feel it is important for their growing children to eat clean fruits and vegetables that are chemical free.
Organic fruits and vegetables are expensive, but they are worth what they cost. Buying conventional food is cheaper, but it isn"t cheap to be sick, especially with a major disease like cancer. It is important to stay healty to have a happy and productive life. People who buy organic fruits and vegetables are investing money in their own health and in a healthy future for their children.
If somebody served you a plate of chemicals, you wouldn"t eat them. But that"s what you are eating when you eat conventional fruits and vegetables. Spend extra money, buy the organic and stay healthy.
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