TKT视频大辞典【Function 2.4-2.6】

本文《TKT视频大辞典【Function 2.4-2.6】》是傻大方资讯网小编整理于开放的互联网,版权归原作者所有。

TKT视频大辞典【Function 2.4-2.6】

TKT Glossary 新东方师训讲堂本篇词汇:

2.4. Offering

2.5. Opinion

2.6. Permission




Opinion is a FUNCTION for expressing one’s own thoughts or idea.

It is formed with a variety of expressions.

“I find ….”

“I think ….”

“In my mind …”.    

(Opinions can be intensified by using words like absolutely, e.g. I absolutely believe that…)

Good contexts for teaching OPINION language are to talk about films, TV shows, topical issues and controversial issues like cloning.




Permission is a common function that is formed with “can”, “could” and “may”.

“Can I borrow your phone?  …You can.”  

“Could we stay a bit longer?   We could.”  

“May I ask you a question?  You may.”

This function is quite easy to teach because the contexts are easy to set-up. The classroom itself and the objects in it can provide a context for practice.

点击左下角阅读原文,浏览上期内容TKT视频大辞典【2.1. Information Exchange,2.2. Necessity,2.3.Obligation】

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TKT视频大辞典【Function 2.4-2.6】

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TKT视频大辞典【Function 2.4-2.6】