C罗:一个会踢足球的成功商人 | 3分钟学雅思
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今天,让我们结合雅思part 2的一道题目
Describe a business person you admire.
∨《3分钟学雅思》第四季 第10期 点击观看
Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most eminent soccer players in the world, gaining both fame and wealth from his career. Moreover, he is also the crème de la crème when it comes to business. Possessing the gift of being economical and despite all the pressure, he took the bull by the horns and started his very first brand CR7 in 2013, which turned out to be a huge success.
In the following years, he set up some personal brands, including CR7 footwear and CR7 underwear, which are selling like hot cakes. He then threw himself into philanthropy and tries his best to help those in need, which he thinks, according to his words, is an obligation. These are, beyond all doubts, his star attributes that attract me most.
1. gain both fame and wealth 名利双收
2. the crème de la crème 佼佼者,出色的人
3. when it comes to 当谈到
4. take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险的,排除万难的、
5. selling like hot cakes 畅销
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