10月15日,周日晚7:30,MYP中学部成功举办了第二届学生会竞选演讲。竞选的职位有主席团的主席、副主席及活动部、纪检部、宣传部、秘书部、记者部、外联部六个部门的部长及副部长。On Sunday the 15th of October, at 7.30PM, MYP successfully held the second edition of its Student Council Hustings. The positions up for election were chairman, vice-chairman and positions in the clubs’ sector, discipline sector, publicity sector, secretary sector, journalism sector and external communications sector.
在竞选前期,想加入学生会的同学都填写了申请表,经由班主任、年级组长和学生会负责人共同协商对名单进行了第一轮赛选,并安排对候选学生会干部第二轮竞选演讲。The Hustings were preceded by students wishing to be a part of the council filling in an application form distributed by the homeroom teachers. After this, the heads of years and the Student Council Co-ordinator, Ms. Bi, consulted the list and made preparations for the next round, Hustings.
竞选演讲由MYP学生会负责人毕老师组织师生对候选学生会干部进行了民主选举,选举评委分为教师代表和学生代表两个集体。教师代表由各年级组长和学生会负责人组成,总计6人。学生代表从各班非竞选人员中抽签各选出1人,总计15人。竞选流程为:候选学生会干部进行2分钟竞选演讲,演讲内容为个人介绍、应聘职位、自身优势及对职位的工作设想。师生依据学生平时表现、个人优势进行民主实名制投票。计票原则为学生0.5票,总计7.5票;教师1票,总计6票。 The Hustings, organized by Ms. Bi, were held democratically in front of a representative committee of students and teachers. The teachers’ committee consisted of 6 people: year-group leaders and the Student Council Co-ordinator; the students’ committee was selected at random from those students not taking part in the election with one student from each class was chosen for a total of 15 students. Each student was given two minutes to make their speech. During this time, they had to briefly introduce themselves and the position they were applying for, then outline their strengths and ideas for their position. Then according to the the speeches, the representatives conducted a vote. The voting principles were as such: a student’s vote is worth 0.5 points, making a total of 7.5 points; teachers’ votes are worth 1 point each, making for a total of 6 points.
竞选过程中同学们的激情演讲和自信的谈吐都较好地呈现给了各位评委。最后由3名学生代表进行票选统计,最后评选结果中出现的平票情形,则依据学生的工作经验、学习表现进行适当微调,最后公布MYP中学部学生会名单如下:After the students’ passionate speeches, three students were responsible for counting the votes. After the voting, some final adjustments were made to reflect the students’ experience and seniority. The final results of the process were as follows:
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