免费试用|经 3 000 余篇世界文献验证的转染试剂(16)
PolyJet Transfection Reagent worked equally as well as lipofectamine 2000, with little evidence of cell death>-----Tiffany Wallace, Ph.D., June 9, 2009, NCI / NIH
I>------Feng Qiao, Ph.D., Jun 12, 2009, NEI / NIH
I tested the sample of PolyJet>-----Stephanie Murphy, Ph.D., June 29, 2009, Dartmouth College
I had chance to try your product finally. It was great success. I used HeLa cells and got 10% transfection efficiency (<0.1% for Lipofectamine). Thank you! I was wondering if I also try GenJet? Plus DNA In Vitro Transfection Reagent? According to your website, the reagent works better than regular PolyJet.
-------Yumi Uetake, Ph.D., August11, 2009, UMASS
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