格列兹曼抢镜示爱罗斯,最喜欢篮球的足球运动员就是他了?( 六 )


[译注4] 圣迪亚戈-卡索拉,曾效力于阿森纳,于2018年5月合同结束后离队,身高168厘米。

[–]LakersJayveesac 230 指標 11小時前

Santi :(

So heartbroken because he won"t finish his career with Arsenal but glad that his career will restart now



[–]RocketsJackGam 110 指標 11小時前

It’s funny because Griezmann and IT are the same height


[–]LakersbigbadVuk 106 指標 11小時前

Yah, he recently replied (paraphrasing here): "hahahahahhahaha" to a pic Isaiah posted where he is wearing the same outfit as Griezmann"s NT team mate Kylian Mbappe and asks do they really look alike.