来看看美国球迷票选的最佳球队图标:雄鹿、森林狼和掘金斩获前三( 四 )
[–]TduckT 142 指標 11小時前
“I would say top half. I think fans particularly like how it represents how LeBron stabs the Cavs fans through the heart with a dagger.” – /u/thebearsfan5434
“我觉得骑士的logo绝对处于中上游水平,骑士队标形象生动地展现了勒布朗是怎样的把长矛狠狠地扎进骑士球迷的心脏之中。”– 用户thebearsfan5434
[–]Thunderlimark 878 指標 13小時前
I call hacks, the Thunder logo is too high
[–]pmsx88 311 指標 13小時前
I"m an OKC fan but their logo is the absolute worst. You get a chance to rebrand when you move cities and That"s what you come up with???
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