莫雷称巅峰期的麦迪强过科比,美国网友:防守端的威力让科比更胜( 五 )


[–]Omniblink 123 指標 7小時前

He can still do windmill dunks. His athleticism isn"t gone completely, he just has a reserve left that noticeably moves closer to empty each time he uses some up.


[–]SpursKazak_DogofSpace 131 指標 9小時前

I know it’s cliche to talk about how everyone on r nba is 12 or has only been watching the league for 2 years or blah blah blah, but as a 29 year old life long NBA fan I distinctly remember Kobe vs TMac being a debate for a couple years. As a Kove hater (at the time) I obviously was on team TMac, but it was not unreasonable to suggest he was the better player back then.