莫雷称巅峰期的麦迪强过科比,美国网友:防守端的威力让科比更胜( 十 )

[–]Lakerssharkmandude 436 指標 11小時前

Kobe won MVP the year the rockets went on that streak though


[–]Wizardsireddit270 288 指標 10小時前

The argument was when McGrady was in Orlando, mainly that 32ppg season. By the time TMac was in Houston , it wasn"t debatable between him and Kobe

If anything, Lebron and Wade had passed TMac by then



[–]Warriorsfreemyniqqaklove 177 指標 10小時前

even then, kobe has seasons which are the same level if not better statistically on the offensive end. But he was also a dominant defender in his prime where tmac took a lot of possessions off