隆多期待詹姆斯再带湖人进总决,这支湖人下赛季会打出什么样的成( 三 )

I agree, i just enjoy talking shit


[–]Sunsblueclown562000 117 指標 9小時前 

Which is fair


[–]CavaliersSpursOutForHarambe 158 指標 8小時前 

well number one how dare you


[–][GSW] Adonal Foylespasmystic 65 指標 9小時前 

Ingram, Kuzma, and Hart will fit around LBJ nicely, but they are 20, 22, and 23 respectively. They"ve never had deep-playoff-run-or-bust expectations and it remains to be seen how they"ll respond. Even with the basketball IQ, I just don"t understand the Lonzo fit with Bron. He"s too bad of a shooter and is going to clog up all the passing lanes.