詹姆斯将在湖人穿23号,美国球迷:还等着他再穿6号,系上发带呢( 三 )

Have you seen any lebron jersey burning yet? I’m waiting for the overreactions


[–]CavaliersKingInvalid96 393 指標 9小時前

HELL no. Im in Akron and everyone here is wildly happy for Lebron. Lots of people on twitter turning to Baker Mayfield for a glimmer of hope tho

骑士球迷:肯定tm没有啊。我就住阿克伦,这里的人们都无比为勒布朗开心。不过现在推特上好多人都开始将希望的曙光寄托于Baker Mayfield



[译注1] NFL克里夫兰布朗队新星。

[–]CavaliersDarkShadow429 211 指標 9小時前

Fellow Akron resident here, currently working on King James Way. Besides one of my friends from Cleveland whos panties are all in a bunch, I haven"t talked to anyone who is upset. He brought us a championship. That"s a lifetime pass in NE Ohio and LeBron knows that.