讲座报名丨Global Accelerators for Overseas Start-Ups
我们此次邀请到以色列互联网公司ironSource的亚太区总裁Yoni Eyal先生和天使投资人郝杰为大家共同解析创业公司如何紧跟时代发展潮流 ,建立全球化的竞争优势并最终实现可持续发展,欢迎大家报名参加!
Yoni Eyal , 2014 年任职 Supersonic 中国区总经理,并在北京设立了中国分公司。2016 年在Supersonic 和 ironSource 合并后出任亚太区移动事务总裁。ironSource 成立于 2009 年,总部位于以色列特拉维夫,是以色列最大的互联网公司之一,定位为应用开发者、设备制造商、移动运营商和广告商提供变现、互动、分析和发现工具等,在北京,上海,首尔,东京等世界各地有8个办事处,Yoni Eyal在推动ironSource在亚太区域的业务发展方面发挥了举足轻重的作用。Yoni Eyal先生在互联网行业有超过 15 年的工作经验,并曾在以色列最大的电信公司 Cellcom任要职,在中国的合作伙伴不乏有百度、腾讯、阿里等。
郝杰,德克萨斯大学计算机科学专业博士,New Species Education创始人兼首席执行官,Magma Partner Fund合伙人。他同时是一名出色的天使投资人,投资领域涉及高科技、地产、医疗卫生、教育等,投资范围跨越美国、哥伦比亚、智利、澳大利亚、英国等国家和地区,在海外投资和创新创业方面颇有建树。
About the Speaker
Yoni Eyal is the General Manager of ironSource in Asia-Pacific region,he responsible for the ironSource’s activity in China, Korea & Japan.Yoni established Supersonic offices in China in 2014 as the China General Manager and was the ironSource Mobile VP in APAC after Supersonic and ironSource merge, then became the ironSource APAC General Manager in 2016.Prior to ironSource Yoni has successfully established two Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise in China and he has worked in online companies for over 15 years, eight of which in Cellcom, the biggest telecommunication company in Israel .
Jie HAO is a serial entrepreneur and global investor. He is the founder and CEO for New Species Education, which provides global experimental learning, a new way of gaining skills in a global world to Chinese students. He is also an active angel investor in companies around the world and his investment includes companies in China, USA, Colombia, Chile, Australia, and England. In addition, Jie is also a global technology & investment columnist for media such Forbes China, Caixin and more.
About this Event
Economic globalization is the most remarkable trend in today"s world under the New Economy that has accompanied by the emergence of new technologies and new industries . Entrepreneurs and investors are facing an unprecedented opportunities and challenges in the era of New Economy. Innovation elements such as talents, technologies and information in addition to goods and capital tend to become the mainstream of trans-border flows, transforming the traditional globalization of start-ups into the globalization of innovation, and bringing different parts of the world even tighter together.Automation, AI ,Sharing economy and other major trends will push the globalization to the next level. If the globalization acceleration is what we will face in next decade, then how entrepreneurs and investors can take advantage of globalization acceleration is going to be a key success to become an unicorn among the other competitors.The Speaker will lead a discussion on how to master a rapid sustainable development strategy of start-ups and come up with practical solutions under the trend of globalization.
About the PKU MBA Speaker Series
The PKU MBA Speaker Series reintegrates higher education into the local community. Held on an approximately bi-monthly basis, the PKU MBA Speaker Series brings Peking University, Guanghua School of Management"s high-level academics ,leading researchers and industrial veterans into the heart of Beijing’s downtown core. These intimate events, consisting of keynote speakers, group discussion and networking are a call-back to one of the original arenas of profound inquiry and learning – the local community pub.
Event Agenda
时间: 2018年5月8日,星期二 ,晚7点-9点
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM,Tuesday ,May 8th
Venue:12-8 Building Huaqingjiayuan Wudaokou, Bridge Café,3rd Floor
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