国际组织简介 | 国际实验室认可合作组织
国际实验室认可合作组织 International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
To provide global leadership in accreditation and a framework for administering accreditation programs
To raise awareness to our stakeholders of our values and the value-added services we provide
To act as a guide in the process of organisational development, growth and cultural change
To help to enable the people in ILAC, including its member bodies, to succeed
Each ILAC Arrangement signatory recognises the accreditation awarded by other signatories of the Arrangement as being equivalent to an accreditation by its own organisation
Members accept certificates or reports issued by organisations accredited by ILAC Arrangement signatories on the same basis as they accept certificates or reports issued by their own accredited organisations
All members recommend and promote the acceptance by users in their economies of certificates and reports issued by organisations accredited by ILAC Arrangement signatories
To ensure that users and potential users of services world-wide, in both government and industry, understand and accept accreditation covered by the ILAC Arrangement as the preferred tool for enhancing confidence and credibility as well as eliminating duplication of activity
To respond promptly and accurately to enquiries from the marketplace
ILAC is the international organisation for accreditation bodies operating in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011 and involved in the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies including calibration laboratories (using ISO/IEC 17025), testing laboratories (using ISO/IEC 17025), medical testing laboratories (using ISO 15189) and inspection bodies (using ISO/IEC 17020). The arrangements support the provision of local or national services, such as providing safe food and clean drinking water, providing energy, delivering health and social care or maintaining an unpolluted environment. In addition, the arrangements enhance the acceptance of products and services across national borders, thereby creating a framework to support international trade through the removal of technical barriers. ILAC is currently in the process of developing the necessary peer evaluation documents to allow for the extension of the ILAC MRA to include the accreditation of proficiency testing providers and reference material producers. For further information please visit theOther Accreditation Programmes page.
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