【外语】 公共场合请勿大声喧哗作文200字
[升学]在日常生活中,在公共场所大声喧哗的人很多,我把发生在我身的在公共场所大声喧哗的事情做一下列举!In daily life, there are so many people out loud in public places, I make a list of things that happen in the public places where I am loud and noisy!就在前几天,我和我的同学在楼下玩毽子,一个小男孩在楼道里大声呼叫一个名字。我赶紧阻止,说“你别喊了,这样会影响别人午休的!”他不但不听,喊得更起劲了。这样做,真不文明!Just a few days ago, my classmates and I were playing the shuttlecock downstairs. A little boy called out a name in the building. I stopped, and said, "stop Shouting, that will affect the rest of the lunch break!" Not only did he not listen, but he shouted more vigorously. What a rude thing to do!还有一次,我躺在床上午睡,忽然,楼下一个打电话的声音把我吵醒了。听起来那人很激动,声音特别大。平常人说话只有20分贝,这位... 展开
[升学]在日常生活中,在公共场所大声喧哗的人很多,我把发生在我身的在公共场所大声喧哗的事情做一下列举!In daily life, there are so many people out loud in public places, I make a list of things that happen in the public places where I am loud and noisy!就在前几天,我和我的同学在楼下玩毽子,一个小男孩在楼道里大声呼叫一个名字。我赶紧阻止,说“你别喊了,这样会影响别人午休的!”他不但不听,喊得更起劲了。这样做,真不文明!Just a few days ago, my classmates and I were playing the shuttlecock downstairs. A little boy called out a name in the building. I stopped, and said, "stop Shouting, that will affect the rest of the lunch break!" Not only did he not listen, but he shouted more vigorously. What a rude thing to do!还有一次,我躺在床上午睡,忽然,楼下一个打电话的声音把我吵醒了。听起来那人很激动,声音特别大。平常人说话只有20分贝,这位叔叔足足有40分贝吧。这样,午休的人都快被吵醒了。这样做,真不文明!Another time, I was lying in bed for a nap. Suddenly, a phone call from the downstairs woke me up. The man sounded very excited and very loud. The average person speaks only 20 decibels, and this uncle has 40 decibels. That way, the rest of the lunch break was woken up quickly. What a rude thing to do!在公共场所,大声喧哗的现象还有很多,我们要尽量阻止。There's a lot of noise in public places, and we're trying to stop it.
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