
【升学】 我有一个这样的母亲(父亲)写作文






[外语]我原有一个幸福美满的家,可是因为一场车祸,这一切的一切都变了,妈妈没了,只留下我和爸爸。但是,爸爸为我有一个乐观的心态读书,就特意去城里住。不过这并不是我想的那么好……I had a happy home, but because of an accident, the end of it all, everything has changed my mother didn't, leaving me and dad. But dad, for I have an optimistic attitude to study, just go to live in the city. But it is not as good as I think...爸爸没什么本事,就在一家工地里做工,我也跟随爸爸一起住在了一间小板房里,雨淋日晒。并且我在的那个学校,同学们都是大城市里的小公子。小公主,穿着漂亮的衣服,用着好看的文具,我可别提有多羡慕了,不过我没有那个条件,之得靠自己,我的成绩很优异,年年都是全校第一名,当上了少先队大队长,学生会主席,家境不好又怎么样,我的成绩好,冷给爸爸争光就行,这才是最重要的。Daddy it's not a skill, is to work in a construction site, I followed my father lived in a small shack, rain in the sun. And I'm in the school, the classmates are all big cities small childe. The little princess, wearing beautiful clothes, with a beautiful stationery, but don't mention how much I envy, but I don't have the condition, of their own, my grades are good, is the school the first year after year, when the young pioneers battalion chief, student body President, family is not good, so what, I do well, cold for dad proud, this is the most important thing.不过我能读上书全给靠爸爸,他天天早出晚归,勤恳的工作,为我赚取了学费,还要送我去补习班,是要我全面发展。我感谢他,他就是我心中最伟大的爸爸,也是全天下最伟大的爸爸。But I can read the book to the full by dad, he arrive every day, diligent work, to earn the tuition for me and also send me to go to cram school, is to my all-round development. I thank him, he is my heart the greatest father, is also the world's greatest dad.那年中秋,我和爸爸走在回家的路上,爸爸递给了我一个月饼,脸上露出了久违的笑容:“吃个月饼吧,以后的日子会越过越甜。”我接过来,咬着月饼,甜在心里。That year the Mid-Autumn festival, my father and I walk on my way home, my father gave me a moon cakes, face the stranger smile: "eat moon cakes, and later day will over the more sweet." I took it and bite a moon cakes, sweet in my heart.那天不知是怎么回事,同学们和老师竟知道我的情况了,纷纷嚷着要给我捐东西,我婉言谢绝了,因为我什么都不缺,我有一个好爸爸!I don't know what is going on that day, students and teachers should know my situation, are clamouring to donate something to me, I politely refused, because I don't lack anything, I have a good father!在这里我要借助这作文网感谢我的爸爸,他独自抚养我,早出晚归的工作,无微不至的关心我,承当起一个当爹又当妈的职责!爸爸,谢谢您!我永远爱您!!!Here I want to thank my father with the help of the network composition, he alone to raise me, arrive early work, meticulous care about me, bear the role of a father and mother! Dad, thank you! I love you forever!!!!!!
