As the Olympic flame slowly went out in Pyeongchang, South Korea, the Winter Olympic Games has now officially entered “Beijing Time.”
The 8-minute show at the closing ceremony in Pyeongchang Olympics has made the world eager to see what Beijing has to offer in 2022. After the success of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, people wouldn’t expect anything less.
Hosting the 2022 Winter Olympic Games presents a golden opportunity for China to promote winter sports.
According to the Chinese government’s plan, the country will have about 650 skating rinks and 800 ski resorts by 2022.
根据中国政府的计划,到2022年,中国将拥有约 650 个溜冰场和 800 个滑雪场。
By the end of 2016, about 11.3 million Chinese skied at least once a year. China aims to lift that number to 300 million before the next Winter Olympics.
In fact, the Winter Games four years later has already brought dramatic changes to the country’s sport industry. According to the official statistics, many northern provinces in China saw dramatic surge in the number of tourists visiting major winter tourism destinations during the Chinese Lunar New Year Holiday.
The Chinese government estimated that the industry value of winter sports will top 1 trillion yuan (US$158 billion) by 2025.
Moreover, as Beijing will hold the event along with Zhangjiakou, a relatively inconspicuous city in comparison, the level of infrastructure in the area will also be greatly lifted. High speed rails and highways will be built to connect Beijing and Zhangjiakou, in addition to other cities.
此外,由于北京将与张家口(一个相对不太显眼的城市)一起举办这一活动,该地区的基础设施水平也将大大提高。 京张两地将会通过修建高铁和高速公路方便交通,除此之外也将联通其他城市。
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