


1. 个人情况 (Personal information)

2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around)

3. 周围的环境 (Personal environments)

4. 日常活动 (Daily routines)

5. 学校生活 (School life)

6. 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies)

7. 个人感情 (Emotions)

8. 人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships)

9. 计划与愿望 (Plans and intentions)

10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations)

11. 购物 (Shopping)

12. 饮食 (Food and drink)

13. 健康 (Health)

14. 天气 (Weather)

15. 文娱与体育 (Entertainment and sports)

16. 旅游和交通 (Travel and transport)

17. 语言学习 (Language learning)

18. 自然 (Nature)

19. 世界与环境 (The world and the environment)

20. 科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology)

21. 热点话题 (Topical issues)

22. 历史与地理 (History and geography)

23. 社会 (Society)

24. 文学与艺术 (Literature and art)

今天我们来记忆第三个话题文学与艺术 (Literature and art)


文学与艺术 (Literature and art)



1.ballet n.芭蕾舞

2.abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的

3.adaptation n.改编本;适应

4.admire v.欣赏

5.applaud v.喝彩;鼓掌

6.architecture n.建筑学

7.artistic adj.艺术的

8.auditorium n.礼堂

9.background n.背景

10.biography n.传记

11.cast n.全体演员

12.cement n.水泥

13.character n.人物

14.chapter n.章

15.cinema n.电影院

16.costume n.服装

17.classic adj.经典的

18.comment v.评论;批评;n.评论

19.construct vt.建设,建筑

20.construction n.建造

21.describe vt.描写,叙述

22.description n.描述,描写

23.delicate adj.微妙的;脆弱的;易碎的

24.dialogue n.对白;对话

25.display n.&vt.展示;陈列

26.disco n.迪斯科

27.draft n.草稿,草案;vt.起草,草拟

28.essay n.散文;文章;随笔

29.entrance n.入口

30.exposure n.曝光

31.exhibition n.展览;展览会

32.exit n.出口

33.extraordinary adj.非凡的

34.fiction n.小说;虚构的事

35.film n.胶片,胶卷

36.flash/flashlight n.闪光灯

37.focus n.焦点

38.foreground n.近景

39.gallery n.画廊

40.inspiration n.灵感,启发

41.legend n.传说,传奇故事

42.line n.台词

43.literature n.文学

44.live adj.现场直播的

45.lyric n.抒情诗

46.makeup n.化妆

47.magnificent adj.壮观的

48.masterpiece n.杰作

49.myth n.神话

50.novel n.小说

51.original adj.原创的;n.原作

52.outline n.要点;大纲

53.painting n.油画,水彩画

54.part/role n.角色

55.playwright n.编剧,剧作家

56.journal n.期刊

57.performance n.表演

58.photo/photograph n.照片,相片

59.photographer/cameraman n.摄影师

60.poem n.诗

61.poetry n.(总称)诗

62.precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的

63.production n.作品

64.publish vt.出版,发行

65.recommend vt.推荐

66.reflect v.反映

67.reflection n.反映

68.remark n.&vt.评论;谈论

69.represent vt.表示;象征;描绘;展现

70.sculpture n.雕塑,雕刻;雕刻作品;雕像


72.series n.系列

73.shade n.暗影

74.sketch n.草图;素描

75.skyscraper n.摩天大楼

76.snapshot/snap n.快照

77.splendid adj.辉煌的;壮丽的

78.spot n.斑点;污点;vt.发现;认出

79.stage n.舞台

80.statue n.塑像;雕像

81.steps n.舞步

82.straight adj.笔直的;整齐的;正直的;adv.直接;笔直地

83.studio n.画室

84.subscribe v.订阅;订购(报刊等)

85.technique n.技巧

86.tango n.探戈

87.theatre n.剧院

88.translate vt.翻译

89.unique adj.独特的

90.valuable adj.有价值的

91.vivid adj.生动的

92.visual adj.视觉的

93.volume n.卷

94.works n.著作,作品

95.workshop n.工作间




1.a book review书评

2.abstract art抽象艺术


4.appeal to吸引


6.arch door拱门

7.art gallery画廊;美术馆

8.artificial stone人造石

9.Beijing opera京剧

10.be designed for...为……而设计

11.be faced with面对,面临

12.be open to向……开放


13.back stage后台

14.be based on以……为根据

15.be set in以……为背景

16.be shaped like...形状像……

17.box office/ticket office售票处

18.book tickets订票

19.classical literature/work古典文学/作品

20.dancing partner舞伴

21.dance to music伴着音乐跳舞

22.detective novel侦探小说

23.evening news晚间新闻

24.fairy tale童话故事

25.have an influence on对……有影响

26.in the shape of...呈……形状

27.mystery novel悬疑小说

28.on air正在播出

29.on exhibition/display/show在展出

30.play the role of...扮演(某一角色)

31.put on演出,上演

32.queue up/stand in line排队

33.range from...to...范围从……到……


34.raw material原材料

35.remote control遥控器

36.satellite TV卫星电视

37.science fiction科幻小说

38.sense of beauty美感

39.show up出现

40.street dance街舞

41.switch channel换台


43.true to life逼真

44.TV network电视网

45.take pictures (photos)/take a picture (photo)拍照

46.under construction在建设中

47.works appreciation作品欣赏

48.works of art艺术品


1. 相声a cross talk

2. 京剧Beijing Opera

3. (书)出版 come out

4. 根据,以……为基础be based on

5. 以……为(故事发生)背景   be set in…

6.在……中担任主角,主演 star in

7.作为……而著称be known as

8.在……中受欢迎be popular in

9.当代文学 contemporary literature

10.民间文学 folk literature

11.传统的民间艺术traditional folk art

12.艺术展览an art exhibition/gallery

13.我最喜欢的画家 my favorite painter

14.写了许多剧本/短篇小说write many dramas/short stories

15.欣赏诗歌 appreciate poetry

16.写了三篇散文 write three essays

17.从事文学创作 engage in literary creation

18.把小说改编为电影adapt novels for movies

19.得到诺贝尔文学奖gain the Nobel Prize in Literature

20.没有灵感without inspiration

21.一部现实主义小说/一幅写实画a realistic novel/drawing

22.抽象派艺术/画家a abstract art/painter

23.生动的描述 a vivid description

24.一位杰出的艺术家an outstanding artist/a distinguished artist

25.莫言的一部代表作one of Mo Yan’s masterpieces




1.not only...but also...

Some classic works not only offer us joy and excitement,but also encourage us to think critically.



My elder brother thinks staying at home and reading some classic works quietly in a situation of his own can help him better understand the author’s ideas.



I hold the view that if we students want to know as many great works of literature as we can,we had better read the original work.


4.on(the) one hand...,on the other (hand)

On one hand,loss implies gain,on the other hand,gain implies loss.



1.In my opinion, we teenagers should pass down our traditional art, such as Beijing Opera.在我看来,我们青少年应该把我们的传统艺术传递下去,如京剧艺术。

2.It is important to cultivate children’s sense of beauty and awaken their artistic feeling.培养孩子的美感和唤醒他们对艺术的感受是重要的。

3.The popularity of drama drew the attention of many people here.戏剧的流行引起了这么很多人的注意。

4.Good literature works bring people happiness.好的文学作品给人们带来愉悦。

5.We should take a positive attitude towards the problem of writing.我们应采取积极态度面对写作问题。



Dating back to the Three Kingdoms period, the Lion Dance has a history of over 1,000years.This traditional art from, including two different forms, means that bad luck goes away and good luck comes in. The Northern Lion, which is popular to the north of the Yangtze  River, looks lovely and innocent. While the Southern Lion is strong and fierce, which is popular in southernChinaand overseas. The Lion Dance is performed on many occasions now such as weddings, store openings, and various festivals.

