利安德巴塞尔将支付每股42美元,比舒尔曼周三收盘价高8.7%。舒尔曼的股票在开盘前交易价格为42.15美元。这笔交易是在化学品行业大规模兼并浪潮中进行的。陶氏化学和杜邦去年完成了1300亿美元的合并,形成了DowDuPont,而中国化工以430亿美元收购了瑞士种子集团Syngenta。包括A. Schulman现有的债务在内,这笔交易价值22.5亿美元。预计合并后的公司将节省1.5亿美元的运行费用。这些公司表示,这笔交易将在完成后的第一年增加收入。
The first is that it allows the buyer to expand in an area it already knows well.The deal combines number-three LyondellBasell with number-four Schulman in the plastics compounding business, which will displace PolyOne Corp. as the market leader.
"Webelieve the scale should make targeted cost synergies of $150mm [million] achievable as well as lead to potential revenue opps [opportunities]," the analysts said.
The second reason is that the transaction comes at an appealing price.The analysts estimate that including synergies but taking out $25 million in interest savings from paying off A. Schulman's high-cost debt, Lyondell is paying only a 6.3 times multiple on long-term earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, or Ebitda, below its own 7 to 8 times multiple.
Their third reason for liking the deal is that it doesn't involve Braskem.They think such a combination would boostLyondellBasell's commodity olefin and polyolefin capacity into a potentially weakening fundamental environment. Meanwhile, Schulman would nearly double its specialty compounding Ebitda and diversity its portfolio, which is almost entirely focused on automotive end markets (90% of its sales, they say).
全球最大的塑料,化学品和精炼公司之一的利安德巴塞尔(纽约证券交易所股票代码:LYB)和全球领先的高性能改性塑料,复合材料和母料供应商A. Schulman,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:SHLM)今日宣布他们已达成一项最终协议,据此LyondellBasell将以总值22.5亿美元收购A. Schulman。此次收购以LyondellBasell在此领域的现有平台为基础,旨在打造具有广泛地域影响力,领先技术和多元化产品组合的首屈一指先进聚合物解决方案业务。
LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB), one of the largest plastics, chemicals and refining companies in the world, and A. Schulman, Inc. (NASDAQ: SHLM), a leading global supplier of high-performance plasticcompounds,composites and powders, today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which LyondellBasell will acquire A. Schulman for a total consideration of$2.25 billion. The acquisition builds upon LyondellBasell's existing platform in this space to create a premier Advanced Polymer Solutions business with broad geographic reach, leading technologies and a diverse product portfolio.

利安德巴塞尔是全球最大的乙烯和氧化丙烯生产商之一。 Channelview建筑群是美国墨西哥湾沿岸最大的石化设施之一,占地近3,900英亩。
About LyondellBasell 全球最大石化公司之一
LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) is one of the largest plastics, chemicals and refining companies in the world. Driven by its 13,000 employees around the globe, LyondellBasell produces materials and products that are key to advancing solutions to modern challenges like enhancing food safety through lightweight and flexible packaging, protecting the purity of water supplies through stronger and more versatile pipes, and improving the safety, comfort and fuel efficiency of many of the cars and trucks on the road. LyondellBasell sells products into approximately 100 countries and is the world's largest licensor of polyolefin technologies. In 2018, LyondellBasell was named to Fortune magazine'slist of the "World's Most Admired Companies." More information about LyondellBasell can be found at www.LyondellBasell.com.
About A. Schulman 成立90年,改性塑料全球知名企业之一
A. Schulman, Inc. is a leading international supplier ofhigh-performance plastic compounds, composites and resins headquartered in Akron, Ohio. Since 1928, the company has been providing innovative solutions to meet its customers' demanding requirements. The company's customers span a wide range of markets, such as packaging, mobility, building

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