无论是冰冷的寒冬,还是炽热的炎暑,作为城市美容师,身穿黄色制服的环卫工人始终守护着城市,用手里的扫帚给这喧嚣的城市带来一份清洁和安宁。就在2018年的第一场大雪天,为给第二天人们的出行清除积雪,他们彻夜为城市的道路疏通做清扫工作。Whether in the depth of winter of the peak of summer, our city’s sanitation workers, clad in yellow work hard to make our cities clean and beautiful. In 2018, we have already experienced our first snowfall. The cities workers stayed up all night clearing up the snow to ensure that traffic could run smoothly the following day.
为了给这些最可爱的人献上一点爱心。我校MYP六年级、十年级及个别七年级学生参与到由新天智文化志愿者社群联合爱德基金会发起的“智益暖冬”公益项目中来。“智益暖冬”项目是专门针对南京市环卫工人的公益项目,项目通过募集资金,为寒冬中的环卫工人购买厚实的保暖用品。我校希望借助此活动,培养学生关爱他人的意识,并通过自己的努力帮助他人。因此,此次活动募集资金不鼓励学生直接捐钱。我校学生采取通过义卖二手物品和自制物品等形式筹集善款。义卖活动通过以下进程得以顺利开展:To show our appreciation for the hard work of these people, MYP’s grade 6, grade 10, and a select few grade 7 students, participated in Xintian Smart Culture community volunteering scheme called “Public Warmth”. This scheme is directly aimed at helping our city’s various sanitation workers, especially in the hard cold winter months. The scheme seeks to raise money to buy the warm-giving clothes and heat products needed by these workers. We hope that by assisting in this scheme our students can learn something about compassion for others. In order to accentuate this point, the students were not allowed to directly donate money, but were encouraged to sell their old things and hold a charity sale. The event was broken up into the following parts:
1. Speech on social benefits
宣讲会有幸邀请到新天智文化传播公司的安老师对智益暖冬项目进行介绍,并对其他公益项目进行简要介绍。会议上,安老师和社区服务负责老师毕家娟先后强调了社区服务的重要意义,并号召全体中学部学生积极挖掘社区服务机会,主动参与。最后说明本次智益暖冬社区服务项目将先由六年级和十年级作为主要参与对象,也欢迎其他年级同学报名参与。Firstly, Mr. An from Xintian New Culture came to our school to give a brief introduction of the scheme, and the general importance of social benefit. Also present was our community service co-ordinator, Ms. Bi, who also came to the stage to emphasise the importance of community service. Students were encouraged to make the most of the opportunity and put their all into it.
2. The Students Union Organises the Charity Sale
为提高学生对活动的组织能力,保障义卖过程透明,公正。第一次义卖活动由学生会干部牵头组织,动员各班级周末携带义卖物品,并贴好价格标签,由班级志愿者领袖收齐交于学生会干部。在各班交齐义卖品后,由学生会组织义卖会场,组织学生进场购买心仪义卖物品,奉献爱心。One of the aims of the event was to increase the students’ organisational abilities. As such the students’ union took the reigns in organsing the charity sale. At the weekend the members brought things in for the sale and made price tags. Representatives from each class them collected the items and handed them in to the student council. The students then all squeezed into the sale where they purchased any second hand items, with all proceeds going to charity.
3. The Students Union Organises the Charity Sale
第二场义卖由十年级陈姝妤及余希牵头,六年级各班志愿者领袖协助开展第二场义卖活动。各班进行了热烈的讨论,并迸发出较多具有创意的新点子,调动了学生参与的积极性。最终呈现了丰富多彩、备受欢迎的义卖形式。比如设计义卖海报、促销游戏转盘及自制美食等。The second event was primarily organized by Cher and Kelly in grade 10 (with the help of volunteers from grade 6). This event had a range of stools selling their wares in a range of creative ways. For example, there were poster designers, a range of games and food etc.
十年级的美食摊位更是十分火爆。金素正制作的韩国炒年糕、张宛沂自制的手工饼干、其他同学制作的自制饮料、自制咖啡及蛋糕等等,在展出后的短短一个小时不到的时间里迅速售空。The grade 10-run food stools were an absolute hit. Tina’s Korean fried rice cake; and Wanyi Zhang’s home-made cookies, drinks, cakes and coffees both went down a treat! Students rushed to buy them until there were none left!
六年级摊位义卖品主要是书籍、玩偶、玩具等,为了促销义卖品,更制作了精美的义卖海报及形式独特的转盘抽奖环节,吸引了不少同学的目光。The grade 10 stools primarily sold things such as books, toys, dolls etc. They also provided a range of posters and prizes to attract their fellow students.
更有自发参与的七年级义卖摊位,书籍主题多样,义卖同学热情销售义卖书籍,吸引了不少同学的购买。Grade 7 were more casual in their wares, with a large range of books attracting the attention of their peers.
线下义卖活动已经结束,已经义卖2604元。线上的爱心筹款才刚刚开始。如果您有意向献出一点爱心,可扫描此二维码,打开我校此次活动的团体公益捐款账号(句容碧桂园学校国际部中学)。今天我们种下善的种子,明天我们终将在爱的森林里重逢。The offline portion of fund-raising may be over, and it has been sold for 2604 yuan. But the online part is just beginning. Now we would like to extend donations over to you. If you are interested in making a donation, then please scan the QR code below. Let’s work hard together to put a little more love into this world.
文字 毕家娟
翻译 Nick
排版 陈英
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