

1) 解释如何用书里面的理论指导写作


2) 说明这些理论在一些经典期刊(如纽约时报、纽约客...)里是怎么体现的


The Elements of Style 

On Writing Well 



The Oxford Essential Guide to Write


具体这个推送我们来看下其中 Chapter 13 的拆解


来谈一下大家可能都已经耳熟能详,但是不见得清楚怎么去实现的 Paragraph Unity (段落的统一性)


Part I 书中内容整理 + 说明:

Paragraph unity involves two related but distinct concepts: coherence and flow. Coherence means that the ideas fit together. Flow means that the sentences link up so that readers are not conscious of gaps. 

统一性主要要解决 Coherence 和 Flow 的问题;

所谓 Coherence, 更多关注的是内容(ideas),即句子与句子之间描述的内容是不是相关。

所谓 flow, 书中的后面部分有个更为直接的解释 (Flow, .. visible links which bind the sentences of a paragraph... ), 所以 flow 更为侧重的是在结构上来说,有没有一些显性的(就是看的见)的连接词等。

To be coherent a paragraph must satisfy two criteria: First, relevance—every idea must relate to the topic. Second, effective order—ideas must be arranged in a way that clarifies their logic or their importance. 

Coherence 的实现,主要是两个标准: 

1) 相关,即段落里的每一句话要和话题相关,假使 Topic Sentence 是全段的第一句话的话,这个标准的意思可以进一步理解为一段里面第2/3/4...句的内容一定要围绕第一句来。

2) 有一定的顺序。这一点大家可能会觉得有点比较难明白,同样,在书的后面部分有更为直接的解释。order 这里更多指的是内容的arrangement, 内容与内容之间如果只是相关当然是不够的,说清楚一件事情,还要按照一定的顺序来,当然这个order 可以是按时间顺序来的,也可以是按照内容的重要性来的,也可以按照其他的逻辑顺序来...这个具体的顺序是可以由写手来决定的。

Flow can be established in two basic ways. The first is to establish a master plan at the beginning of the paragraph and to introduce each new idea by a word or phrase that marks its place in the plan. The second concentrates on linking sentences successively as the paragraph develops, making sure that each statement connects with the one or ones preceding it.

Flow 的实现也有两个标准:

1)establish a master plan at the beginning of the paragraph: 看上去很抽象的一个标准,其实简单概括下就是在段首的时候就告知读者你后面会分类讨论的内容。 比如,开头第一句就是“解决环境问题有3个建议方式”... 然后后面具体展开 First, Second, Third.... 这样的第一句就是所谓的master plan。

2)make sure that each statement connects with the one or ones preceding it 内容与内容之间要有衔接。 这一点的具体实现方式如下:

a. repeating key words 重复关键字

这可能是让段落内容流畅最直接的方式了,具体的重复方式有:重复原词;重复词的不同形式(比如develop 和development);重复同义/近义 词。

b. conjunctive adverbs 连接词

用一些连接词交代内容之间的逻辑关系,比如presently, meanwhile,therefore, but等

这也是我们为了增加文章的流畅感,比较常用的方式,只是大家在用的时候可能出现上下句之间明明没有转折的关系,却硬是用了 “On the contrary” 来连接情况,或者不知道 On the other hand 其实是表示转折的意思(=however),误用它来表示“第二”了。


....in fact warns, "Here comes a strong restatement of something just said" 

in fact 是表示“同向”关系的,不是转折,不是转折,不是...

...Nevertheless, for instance, is a more formal word than though...

nevertheless 比 though 正式

....But is less formal than however...

however 比 but 正式

...and is less formal and ponderous than furthermore or moreover or additionally. ...

and 没有 furthermore、moreover 等正式

c. syntactic patterning 类似的内容表达的时候用一样的语法结构

这一点特别适合内容上本身是平行的,比如类似前面提到的用 First, Second, Third 展开的内容。


Part II 外刊实例解析:


首先是这个来自于New York Times 的段落



This experiment, designed by the developmental psychologist Michael Lewis in the mid-1980s and performed in one form or another on hundreds of kids, has yielded two consistent findings. The first is that a vast majority of children will peek at the toy within seconds of being left alone. The other is that a significant number of them lie about it. At least a third of 2-year-olds, half of 3-year-olds and 80 percent or more of children 4 and older will deny their transgression, regardless of their gender, race or family’s religion.

首先,作者在第一句抛出了一个观点,就是experiment 得出了两个consistnent findings。 读完这句,当然就会期待后面的第一个finding 和第二个finding 。同时也有了coherence 要的 order; 和flow 要的master plan

另外从repeat 来看,这段话里面有一个比较有特点的重复:数字的呼应。

第三句里面说 a significant number, 后面的内容马上用具体的数字论证。这是一个写手该有的基本素质,任何观点性的表达后,一定要加evidence, 做到有理有据。

另外这段里面也有一些常规的重复,比如 前面的lie,后面用 deny their transgression 来对应。

再看一篇来自于 Harvard Business Review 的段落



A key question is whether personalized pricing, on the web or in-store, is ethical. 文章第一句表明了观点: personlized pricing 可以不道德。 Efforts to tailor prices may inadvertently lead to unfair results. A study by ProPublica found that the Princeton Review’s strategy of levying different prices based on zip code resulted in Asians being twice as likely to be charged a higher price. In a similar vein, a classic economics study on car negotiation found that the markup on final prices for black women was triple the prices offered to white men.

上面段落里一样的颜色,代表重复的内容:从颜色的重复情况,可以看到整个论证过程中,关于topic 的相关性是非常好的:

personalized pricing - tailor prices - levying different prices - markup on final prices

ethical - unfair - Asians being twice.. - black women...

另外,这个段落里,还可以看到,在展开类似的内容的时候(两个study),文中的语法结构是对称的( flow 里的 syntactic patterning 标准),都是... found that... 的结构。


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