全能天才达芬奇:他不仅仅是个天才画家 | 3分钟学雅思
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∨《3分钟学雅思》第四季 第20期 点击观看
The knowledgeable man I am going to tell you about is Leonardo Da Vinci. He was one of the three most outstanding and well known artists during the Renaissance. I have known about him since I was a little child at secondary school. One Chinese textbook had a long article on his artistic achievements and his status in history. But at that time I thought he was nothing more than a great artist. Then I came across his biography at the library and began to realize what a knowledgeable person he was.
His fields of interests involved sculpture, music, maths, astronomy and history. He made his own contribution to all these areas. He seems to be a genius from another universe, leaving us everyday people far behind. I admire his ingenuity and I think he is really talented. My knowledge is as trivial as ashes compared to his.
1. artistic adj. 艺术的
2. arty adj. 有艺术范儿的
3. nothing more than仅仅,只是
4. make contribution to 对….做出贡献
5. as trivial as ashes 不值得一提,微不足道的
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