天空体育 | 英超:南安普顿VS水晶宫

天空体育 | 英超:南安普顿VS水晶宫

周二001 英超 南安普顿VS水晶宫

比赛时间:2018-01-03 03:45

Southampton v Crystal Palace 

That was a big result for Southampton against Manchester United. I watched them against Tottenham and they didn"t look like they were fussed, they got turned over quite easily and I was worried for the manager. But he made big decisions at Old Trafford.(南安普顿对阵曼联的平局对于他们来说非常重要,我看了他们对阵热刺的表现,他们看起来毫无斗志,我有点儿担心他们的主教练是否还能掌控更衣室,但是他们在老特拉福德的表现挽救了主教练)

Fraser Forster has been waiting to be dropped and it"s about eight games too late I think. He is probably a better keeper but sometimes you need to bring a player out of the firing line. His confidence was low, he wasn"t making saves, and he probably needs a couple of weeks out then to go back in again. He hasn"t become a bad goalkeeper, his confidence has just gone. It was a big decision and it worked for them with Alex McCarthy making a couple of really big saves.

Crystal Palace were quite comfortable against Manchester City and could have won it at the end. They have been in decent form and I think they will lose this.(水晶宫对阵曼城的比赛表现很出色,他们最近整体状态也不错,但是球队的伤病以及体能会到一个瓶颈,本场恐凶多吉少)




天空体育 | 英超:南安普顿VS水晶宫