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下个月我就要去中国了,外国人给的建议真狠( 九 )



BTW, your chances of being mugged are near zero, but like any big city, keep your money and passport in a safe place, that means not in your back pants pocket if you’re a male, in a zippered compartment of your purse, if you are female. Early in your trip get the local currency, the Yuan or RMB as it is called. The biggest denomination is 100 RMB or about $15 at roughly 7 to 1.


Carry a lots of 1 RMB coins for using buses and metros and have the exact change for taxis. Try getting foreign exchange in a big bank like the Bank of China or ICBC. Except for tourist spots and 5-star hotels, the Chinese don’t tip, even in restaurants. Large stores won’t bargain, but if you are in a boutique or street vendor, try your hand at bargaining.



标题:下个月我就要去中国了,外国人给的建议真狠( 九 )

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