如果不幸在人生地不熟的机场找不着行李,这时赶紧前往失物招领柜台(Lost And Found)询问,越快回报遗失你才能越快拿回你的行李!除了详细报上你的行李外形特征帮助工作人员作业,也记得询问行李找回所需的时间,如果远远超过这趟旅行的时间,可以请他们找到后直接寄回你的家中,不用觉得不好意思,也别忘了再确认赔偿的标准和金额!
Could you tell me where is the lost and found counter?
You can fill out fill out a lost luggage form at luggage claim office first. Go straight till the end. The office is on your left side.
Excuse me. My luggage seems to be missing. Here is my claim tag.