一、毕竟有些感情 , 除了说再见别无选择 。
After all there are some feelings but no choice but to say goodbye.
二、老人说:每个故事都会结束 , 只是有人欢喜有人苦 。 【迪迪情感|宝藏女孩的文案推荐】The old man said Every story has an end but some rejoice and some suffer.
三、你是天上的温柔 , 我是人间的悲剧 。
You are the gentleness of heaven I am the tragedy of the world.
四、微笑掩盖悲伤 , 沉默诠释一切.
Smile to cover up the sadness silence interpretation of everything.
五、拥有热情 , 放下不安 , 用心生活 。
Let go of insecurity and live with passion.
六、雨太大了 , 撑伞也没有用 , 我的意思是无所谓了 。
It's raining so hard that it's useless to open an umbrella. I mean it doesn't matter.
七、终于在这场盛大的期许里 , 失望而归 。
Finally in this grand expectation disappointed.
八、那就祝你我 , 有数不尽的鲜花和浪漫 。
Then I wish you and I countless flowers and romance.
九、心里全是苦的人 , 要多少甜才能填满啊 。
The heart is full of bitter people how much sweet to fill ah.
十、我要的东西真的很少 , 为什么你就是看不到 。
I really want very little why you just can't see.
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