你总是让你将烟戒掉 , 你总是说烟伤肺 , 你是说
You always ask you to quit smoking. You always say that smoking hurts your lungs. You mean that although I quit smoking for you smoking will not leave me but you will. Smoking will not make me sad but you will make one person sad and one sad.
为了我也是可以不抽烟的 , 为了我 , 我可以做任何事情 , 只希望你不会离开我 。 记得你曾今一直开玩笑说 , 等到烟厂倒闭了 , 我就会将烟戒掉 , 等我将我烟戒掉了 , 我也就将你忘记了 。
I don;t have to smoke for my sake. I can do anything for my sake just hope you won;t leave me. I remember you once joked that when the cigarette factory closed down I would quit smoking and when I quit smoking I would forget you.
受伤的人 , 喝酒举起酒杯的时候 , 假装着都是高兴 , 你总是说我不爱你 , 不能为了你将烟戒掉 。 你的离开让我香烟一根
Injured people pretend to be happy when they drink and raise their glasses. You always say I don;t love you and can;t quit smoking for you. Your departure has given me cigarette after cigarette. I want to ask you how much you love me.
戒不掉烟没有事 , 那我就不戒了 , 因为烟伤肺 , 我更害怕你的有一天离开 , 让我伤心 , 比起伤心我更喜欢伤肺 。
If you can;t quit smoking then I won;t. Because smoking hurts the lungs I;m even more afraid that you will leave one day which will make me sad. I like hurting the lungs better than being sad.
即使我们的爱情 , 已经没有可能 , 已经烟消云散了 , 但是我曾今对你的爱 , 都是真的 , 我对于你始终忠贞不渝 。
Even though our love is impossible and gone my love for you is true and I am always faithful to you.
曾今我是看着别人吸烟才学会了吸烟 , 没有为了任何人 , 但是你离开以后 , 我吸烟却是因为你的离开而吸烟 。
Once I learned to smoke by watching others smoke not for anyone but after you left I smoked because you left.
你总是说我不够爱你 , 但你能知道我也夜深人静的时候独自一个抽烟的那种无奈吗?你是否可以体会到我此刻内心的孤独和伤心了?
You always say I don;t love you enough but can you know that I am helpless when I smoke alone in the dead of night? Can you feel my loneliness and sadness at the moment?
我知道烟的生命是短暂的 , 所有销魂的东西都不会有很长的生命 , 他们从一开始就注定了短暂的生命 。