职场剧《平凡的荣耀》最近热播 , 引发共鸣 , 该剧通过刻画职场新人以及中层的成长故事 , 为现实中的职场困境提供可借鉴的思路 。 有网友说“太真实了,本职场新人仿佛看见了自己 。 ”而剧中白敬亭饰演的孙弈秋一角 , 也凭借着出色的演技 , 获得不少观众的喜爱 。
Bai Jingting, 26, has impressed audiences across the country for his excellent acting in the show Who’s The Murderer.
今年26岁的白敬亭在节目《明星大侦探》中的出色演技 , 给全国的观众留下了深刻印象 。
Recently, Bai’s portrayal of his character in Ordinary Glory received rave reviews. The workplace drama, released on Sept 4, features Bai as a financial worker called Sun Yiqiu.
近期 , 白敬亭在《平凡的荣耀》一剧中对角色的演绎也获得了众多好评 。 在这部于9月4日开播的职场剧中 , 白敬亭担任主演 , 饰演金融工作者孙弈秋 。
Playing Sun took Bai back to his days when he was beginning to enter the showbiz industry. “Although I have never worked in a firm, I share Sun’s timidity when entering a new work environment without understanding it,” Bai told China Daily.
扮演孙弈秋令白敬亭想起了他刚进入演艺圈的日子 。 “尽管我没在公司里工作过 , 但在进入一个完全不了解的全新工作环境时 , 我也会和孙弈秋一样胆怯 , ”白敬亭在接受《中国日报》采访时如此表示 。
e a name with his first web drama Back in Time in 2014 when he was a sophomore. His breakthrough came from the adventure variety show Survivor Games With Bear Grylls. With experiences including eating insects and catching mice, Bai encountered feelings of fear, courage and determination. He said these feelings helped him better express the various emotions of the characters he plays.
2014年 , 还在上大二的白敬亭因出演首部网剧《匆匆那年》而成名 。 参加冒险真人秀《跟着贝尔去冒险》让他取得了事业上的突破 。 节目中吃昆虫、捉老鼠的经历 , 让白敬亭体会到了恐惧、勇气以及坚定的心境 。 他表示 , 这些感受有助于他更好地表达所饰演角色的不同情绪 。
本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑 Joe Willetts朗读