Timealso tackles the race for the first coronavirus vaccine, which it argues could help bring the US back to "normality."
《时代》杂志还探讨了新冠疫苗研发竞赛的问题 , 并认为这种疫苗可能有助于让美国恢复“正常” 。
"Even if the COVID-19 vaccines don’t provide 100% protection against infection, they could provide a huge boost toward that return to normality," it said. "But how quickly that happens will depend as much on the science behind them as on the humanity that determines where those vaccines go.
《时代》杂志称:“即使新冠疫苗不能100%地抵御感染 , 也能极大地推动社会恢复正常 。 但这一速度不仅取决于科学研究 , 也取决于决定这些疫苗去向的人 。 ”
"What’s being tested is more than the new technologies and the latest virus—fighting strategies encased in each injection. It’s also our willingness to be blind to the physical as well as social and economic borders that divide us to combat a virus that holds no such biases."
“我们正在测试的不仅仅是每一次注射所包含的新技术和最新的病毒对抗策略 。 我们主动忽视那些物理边界、社会和经济边界 , 而这正是我们在对抗这种没有偏见的病毒时如此分裂的原因 。 ”
【中国日报网|最新一期《时代》杂志:用黑底白字警示“美国式失败”】The death toll from COVID-19 stands at more than 191,000 in the US. President Trump's handling of the pandemic is one of the top issues ahead of the election, which is less than eight weeks away.
美国新冠肺炎死亡病例数已超过19.1万例 。 距离美国总统大选还有不到8周的时间 , 特朗普总统的疫情应对是大选前的首要问题之一 。
Timewas sold to Salesforce.com founder Marc Benioff for $190 million in 2018. It also used a black border on an illustration after the 9/11 terror attacks.
2018年 , Salesforce.com网站的创始人马克·贝尼奥夫以1.9亿美元(约合人民币12.9亿元)的价格收购了《时代》杂志 。 在9?11恐怖袭击事件发生后 , 《时代》杂志在封面图中也使用了黑色边框 。
标题:中国日报网|最新一期《时代》杂志:用黑底白字警示“美国式失败”( 二 )