
不是所有的坚持都有结果 。
Not all persistence has results.
这个世界是唯一的 , 人都要回家 , 都要用布把星星盖好 , 然后把灯碰亮 。
This world is unique. Everyone has to go home, cover the stars with cloth, and turn on the lights.
我的世界从此没有了星辰大海 , 因为在遇见你的那一刻 , 浩瀚众星 , 皆降为尘 。
【『掌上社会』仙气·少女心·女生头像:夏天要来了,你会不会回来】My world has no star sea since then, because at the moment of meeting you, the vast stars have fallen to dust.
该回来的就算跋山涉水都会回来 。
Even if you should come back, you will come back even if you waded.
日子甜甜的 , 像清晨的柠檬水 。
Sweet days, like lemonade in the morning.
每件发生在你身上的事 , 无论美丑 , 都是礼物 。
Everything that happens to you, whether beautiful or ugly, is a gift.