你总是说我浪漫得无药可救,假如没有你我又哪来那么多的浪漫情怀,爱你的玫瑰只为你盛开,爱你的心扉只为你敞开。You always say that I am romantically hopeless. If there is not so much romantic feelings without you, the roses that love you will only bloom for you, and the hearts that love you will only open for you.
渺小而生动的活着。植物一样向上挺拔。那些匍匐在岁月里,过往的美好,美好的爱与恋。都在途经的歧路,驿站或攀援的悬崖泊居,逗留。期待被你我望见和亲临。即使未必拥有。仅有追随。Small and vivid alive. The plants are upright. Those prostrate in the years, the past good, beautiful love and love. All stay on the branch roads that pass by, the post or climbing cliffs. Looking forward to being seen and visited by you and me. Even if it may not be owned. Only follow.
【 rom超甜“双人”动漫情侣头像我想和你一起去看月亮,不是看月亮,是和你】
聆听你的声音,回味你的优雅,贪恋你的容颜,珍爱你的内心,心与心在交融,情与爱在缠绵,你的一个微笑让我幸福许久,这就是爱情的感受,这就是爱情的意思。Listen to your voice, remember your elegance, love your face, cherish your heart, heart and heart are in harmony, love and love are lingering, your smile makes me happy for a long time, this is the feeling of love, this is love the meaning of.
还贪恋着你的风情,诱惑着你的神秘,埋葬了我的爱情,忧郁蓝色土尔其,徘徊在你的淡淡哀愁灰色眼眸里,我愿相信爱有奇迹。没有伴奏的旋律陪我独自旅行,部分的爱情记忆已失去,旅途中只有孤单的风沙陪我前进,睡梦中渴望一场完美相遇。Still craving your style, tempting your mystery, burying my love, melancholy blue turkey, wandering in your pale and sad gray eyes, I wish to believe that love has miracles. Melody without accompaniment accompanies me to travel alone, part of my love memory has been lost, only lonely wind and sand accompanies me on the journey, craving a perfect encounter in my sleep.
从相遇相识到相知,一路走来我感觉你就是我生命的一部分,我一直相信一个为你流泪的男人是心疼你的男人,也是你值得跟一辈子的男人亲爱的,谢谢你原谅我的任性,爱的过度覆盖与承载。From encounter to acquaintance, to know each other along the way, I feel that you are a part of my life. I have always believed that a man crying for you is a man who loves you, and you are worthy of dear to a man for a lifetime. Thank you for forgiving me. Over-coverage and bearing of love.
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