(1)不相信自己的人, 连努力的价值都没有。Don't believe in their own people, even the value of hard work.(2)人的梦想是永远不会结束的!People's dreams are never over!
(3)镜子里显示出来的永远只是真实的影像,而不是真实的自己。The mirror always shows the real image, not the real self.(4)我们要在敌方擅长的地方打败对手,因为这样才够痛快。We want to beat our opponents where they are good at, because that's good enough.
(5)就算对手是完全无法触及的强敌也好,失去斗志的话,就无法取胜了啊。Even if the opponent is a completely untouchable enemy, if you lose your will to fight, you will not be able to win.(6)人只要坚强地活下去,就一定不会有什么让你觉得绝望的东西,因为,世界总会有一些人,一些事可以让你继续下去。As long as you are strong enough to live on, there will be nothing to make you feel desperate, because there will always be someone and something to let you go on.
(7)所谓长大成人,就是不断聚了散,散了又聚。为了让彼此不会受伤害而保持一个适当的距离。The so-called grown up, is constantly together and scattered, scattered and together.To keep each other safe from harm at a distance.(8)人如果不付出牺牲就无法得到任何东西,如果要得到什么,就要付出同等的代价,这就是等价交换的原则。A man cannot get anything without sacrifice, and if he wants something, he must pay the same price. This is the principle of exchange for equality.
(9)勇敢,不是靠别人为他担心而证明的,强者,要能够使亲人和朋友感觉到安全和放心。Brave, not rely on others to worry about him and prove, strong, to be able to make relatives and friends feel safe and assured.(10)时间能冲淡痛苦,但是,我并不想用时间来治愈一切。Time can dilute the pain, but I don't want to use time to heal everything.
(11)虚伪的眼泪,会伤害别人,虚伪的笑容,会伤害自己。False tears, will hurt others, false smile, will hurt themselves.(12)不是强者必胜,而是胜者必强,他们比我们强,谨此而已。Not that the strong will win, but the winners will be strong, they are stronger than us, that's all.
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