1.My cat and I miss you very much, but I don't have a cat or you.
【 微丧|INS·原宿风·微丧女头:后来你选择合适,而我输给喜欢……】我和我的猫都很想你 可是我没有猫 也没有你
2.Time is a rogue who likes to destroy all expectations.
时间是个无赖 喜欢毁掉所有的期待
3.Some scenery is eternal even in a flash once it enters your eyes and heart.
有些风景 一旦入眼入心 即便刹那 也是永恒。
4.It's worthless to say it, so down and out, all because of feelings.
5.Don't try to reach for something you know you can't reach.
明知够不着的东西 就不要试探着去伸手
6.From then on, the mountains and rivers will not meet and the old people's strengths and weaknesses will not be heard.
从此山水不相逢 不闻旧人长与短
7.You have to understand that there is always someone sitting in the vacant position.
你要明白 空出来的位置总有人坐
8.Then you chose the right one, and I lost to like it.
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