
感谢 @苍见佐无伊 的回答,我再补充几点以下内容来自香港迪士尼乐园度假区及巴黎迪士尼乐园度假区网站香港迪士尼乐园度假区网站乐园规则中的部分内容樂園規則賓客衣著(包括鞋子及襯衣)必須時刻穿著整齊。十六歲或以上的賓客不可以穿著裝扮服飾。對於我們認為衣著不恰當或有可能影響其他賓客的遊樂體驗的裝束,我們有權拒絕他們進入樂園,或要求他們除去我們認為不恰當的裝束。嚴禁以下活動:使用相機/手機/手提攝影機之伸縮棒 (例如自拍棒) 。售賣任何物品或服務,或展示任何作售賣用途之物品或服務。派發任何種類之印刷品或錄製品。未經許可之活動、遊行或演說,或使用任何旗幟、橫額或標誌,或煽動人群及其他未經許可之公眾集會。餵飼樂園內的任何動物,包括雀鳥。放風箏或遙控式飛行裝置。用作非個人用途的攝影、錄影或任何形式之紀錄。以假裝或扮演任何真實或虛構的角色,不論有否穿著特別服裝,以吸引其他賓客或妨礙樂園運作。進行任何不安全或其他妨礙樂園或其關聯設施運作的行為。另外巴黎迪士尼乐园对穿着做出来如下规定Theme Parks Rules1.4 Clothing: Proper dress is required at all times, and top and bottom garments, as well as footwear, are to be worn. We also reserve the right, at our own discretion and at any given time, to refuse a visitor the right to wear any type of costume, makeup or tattoo, especially if it is likely to offend, shock or scare children and a family-orientated public, that Euro Disney Associés S.C.A. would consider as inappropriate or if it would impede the operation while posing as or portraying any character in costume. Clothing that drags the ground is prohibited. The same rule applies for accessories considered to breach security or be a danger in our attractions (capes, sticks etc.). For safety reasons, the only visitors authorized to wear clothing covering their face completely are those doing so for medical reasons. Costumes and masks may not be worn by any visitors ages 12 or older (unless required for medical purposes). When worn by younger visitors, masks must provide unobstructed peripheral vision at all times with openings that allow the eyes to be fully seen. The non-respect of this dress code may prevent access to the Parks. Private special events may have specific guidelines, which can be find in publicity or information materials relative to the event.