超火·甜丧·女生头像:习惯了戴着面具微笑,即使背后全是泪水人,越长大越孤单。爱,越成长越懦弱。这个世界现实的可怕。见证了无数的聚散离合后,我们消散了年少时的勇敢。谁还能如当初般不顾一切?People grow up more lonely. Love grows stronger and weaker. The reality of this world is terrible. After witnessing countless gatherings and separations, we dissipated the bravery of our youth. Who can ignore everything as before?
从你的全世界路过,先红了脸,后来红了眼,终究不过一场梦,梦醒,各自南北,也许这就是爱情。Passing through your whole world, red face first, then red eyes, after all, but a dream, dream wake up, each north and south, maybe this is love.
【 r超火·甜丧·女生头像:习惯了戴着面具微笑,即使背后全是泪水】
夏天太容易击碎一个单身主义者的决心了。总在夜深时,才希望身边有个人,替我挡风遮雨,替我多喂蚊子。Summer is too easy to crush the resolve of a singleton. It is always late at night that I want someone around me to shield me from the wind and rain and feed me more mosquitoes.
别总因为迁就别人就委屈自己,这个世界没几个人值得你总弯腰。弯腰的时间久了,只会让人习惯于你的低姿态,你的不重要。Don't always grieve yourself for accommodating others. Few people in this world deserve your stoop. Bending over for a long time will only make you accustomed to your low posture, yours is not important.
真爱就像鬼,听说的人多,遇见的人少,在这个世界上,唯一不会背叛你的,只有自己的父母和口袋里的钱。True love is like a ghost. There are many people heard and few people met. In this world, the only thing that won't betray you is only your parents and the money in your pocket.
在决定爱你的那一刻,我早已断了自己所有的后路!假如一只刺猬连唯一可以保护她的刺都拔掉了,请珍惜她,因为她已经失去了赖以生存的东西。At the moment when I decided to love you, I had already broken all my back paths! If a hedgehog has pulled out the only thorn that can protect her, please cherish her, because she has lost what she depends on
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