爱情,本该甘于平淡,却又不平淡;本该甘于平凡,却又不平凡。不再去想从前,不再执念曾经。Love is supposed to be ordinary, but not ordinary; it should be ordinary, but not ordinary. No longer think about the past, no longer obsessed with the past.
Whether you want it or not, I'm good or not. I will give you seven days and I must like me. Because i already love you
我丑话说在前头啊,这些我都不擅长的,送花啊,拉小手啊。我可能会忘记你的生日,但是如果真的要结婚,只能和你结。I said uglyly ahead, I am not good at these, send flowers, hold hands. I may forget your birthday, but if I really want to get married, I can only get married to you.
It's artificial, it is a positive attitude towards life, it is easy to live with, it is an optimistic way to live in the world, and it is a natural way of survival.
不相信下辈子,只想善待你今生。因为我不知道,下一辈子是否还能遇见你,所以我今生才会那么努力把最好的给你。Do not believe in the next life, just want to treat you well in this life. Because I don't know if I can still meet you in my next life, I will try so hard to give you the best in this life.
只有我们两个听得见,我一定会去找你的,我谁都不要了。让你难过的事, 我再也不做了
【 遇见你|动漫头像·甜系·情侣头像不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现】Only the two of us can hear, I will definitely go to you, I don’t want anyone. I'm sorry for you, I will never do it again
每个人的出场顺序真的很重要,认识的早,不如认识的刚刚好,有些命中注定的事情会更惊喜。The order of everyone's appearance is really important. The early recognition is not as good as the recognition. Some destined things will be more pleasant.
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