如果爱你就是为了得到,那你众多的粉丝将变得无比可笑,你是红花,我只愿是绿叶把你环绕,你是红包,我只愿做你的钞票,我不英俊,但会微笑。If you love you just to get it, then your many fans will become extremely ridiculous. You are a safflower. I only want green leaves to surround you. You are a red envelope. I only want to make your money. smile.
爱情有两个时间:天荒和地老;爱情有两个人物:我爱的你和你爱的我;爱情有两个地点:天涯和海角。爱情不是两条平行线,因为我们两个人的世界,最终会有一个终点,让我们两手紧握,将爱情进行到底!There are two times in love: heaven and earth and old age; there are two characters in love: you I love and me you love; there are two places in love: the horizon and the promontory. Love is not two parallel lines, because in the world of the two of us, there will eventually be an end, let us clasp our hands together, and carry out love to the end!
让你的工作用冰冷的机器人代替,释放你的身体;让你的生活用幸福的感觉代替,释放你的心灵;让你的内心用我的爱代替,放开你爱的胸怀吧,让我进来。Let your work be replaced with cold robots to release your body; let your life be replaced with a feeling of happiness and release your soul; let your heart be replaced with my love, let go of your love, let me Come in.
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