你是自由翱翔的海鸟,我是不起眼的小岛。累了,你可以在我这儿歇歇脚;饿了,可以在我这儿寻找你所需要。其实除了你,我啥都不要!You are a seabird flying freely, and I am a humble island. If you are tired, you can rest here; if you are hungry, you can find what you need here. Actually, I do n’t want anything but you!【 动漫|超甜“双人”动漫情侣头像想送你一台自动贩梦机,以及一罐快乐】
我的手愿放在你手里,握手深情甜如蜜;我的心愿靠在你心里,心中话永不渝;我的眼愿看在你眼里,望一眼柔情时空也停。My hand is willing to be placed in your hand, and the handshake is as sweet as honey; my wish rests in your heart, and my words will never change;
对着天空许下愿望:我愿牵着你的手慢慢变老!你的照片,我会把它放在我身上最热的那个地方,要让你感受到我想你的心不曾停止过!爱上你一生无悔。Make a wish against the sky: I would like to hold your hand and grow old! Your picture, I will put it in the hottest place on me, to make you feel that I think your heart never stopped! I have no regrets in your life.
时光流去,生活辗转,斑驳树影,点滴爱情。希望等到我们老去时,依然能够十指相扣,走过人生的十字路口。因为牵着的手,不会轻易地放开。Time goes by, life goes through, mottled tree shadows, little love. I hope that when we get old, we will still be able to interlock with each other and walk through the crossroads of life. Because holding the hand, won't let go easily.
眼里有你,所以满眼幸福,心里有你,所以满心欢喜,生活有你,所以快乐无限,枕边有你,所以甜蜜无尽,爱你是我一生的承诺,愿携你手到永远!I have you in my eyes, so I am full of happiness, I have you in my heart, so I am full of joy, life has you, so happiness is infinite, and you are on the pillow, so sweet and endless, loving you is my life's promise, I wish to take your hands forever!
一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段快要用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。A period of unacceptable love requires not sorrow, but time, a period of time to be forgotten. A heart that has been hurt so deeply needs not sympathy but understanding.
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