旅行者的求婚|老外看国产二创动画——《旅行者的求婚》有感( 二 )

Now the question is does that mean we get two wifes?
这意味着 , 我们能娶得到两个老婆?
Kameron Blum
We’ll seeing as both Ei and the shogun can appear in the Plane I’d say yes.
当影和雷电将军同处一室 , 我会同意的 。
Ken William Ang
This is unexpected Raiden Shogun the first to get a wedding ceremony.
想不到 , 雷电将军竟是第一个结婚 。
Aether's Harem: *What about us?*
Aether: Sweat Profusely.
空的后宫:*那 。。 我们呢*
空:汗流浃背 。
WHAT??!! AETHER IS MARRIED TO EI??!! but what about our journey to find his sibling and escape the teyvat?
the chief 117
The journey can be put on hold for a few years.Lol
旅程可以推迟几年啊 。 哈哈