人生在世有许多放不下的事情,都是突然放下,没有高人指点,就在很平常的日子,或阳光明媚,或阴雨连绵,凝视眼前匆忙的人群,叹口气,便放下了 。
并非每一个女孩都能发光,在我暗淡的生活中,等待给我一片星辰的少年 。
Not every girl can shine, in my gloomy life, can't wait to give me a star.
哀,形为心,音为痛,以为是心动,可偏偏是心痛 。
Tong, the form for the heart, sound for pain. I think it's heartache, but it's heartache.
讨厌我的话,不要假装喜欢我,我是个笨蛋,很容易被骗,最后一个让我独自收拾烂摊子很没意思,原来一个人可以对很多女孩说我喜欢你,大骗子 。
If you don't like me, just say it. Don't pretend to like me. I'm stupid and easy to be cheated. It's boring to leave me to clean up the mess. Originally, one person can tell many girls that I like you, big liar.
对蔷薇,我能给你一百个回忆,却没有勇气给你一束玫瑰 。
I can give you a hundred memories of roses, but I don't have the courage to give you a bunch of roses.
然后,天上下了小雪 。 我抱着热乎乎的奶茶,穿着厚棉衣,不要紧,去保护别人吧 。 我可以独自回家 。
Then it began to snow. I am wearing a thick cotton padded clothes, holding hot milk tea, it doesn't matter, you go to protect others. I can go home alone.
实际上一开始觉得不可能有结果,但想着陪他走一段时间,想着也不错 。
In fact, at the beginning, I thought it was impossible to have a result, but it's good to think about accompanying him for a period of time.
事实上,被人误解一点都不难过,忽然有人帮助解释了才会委屈的想哭,你看,真的有人知道我没做错什么 。
In fact, it's not sad to be misunderstood. Suddenly someone helps to explain why I feel aggrieved and want to cry. You see, someone really knows that I have done nothing wrong.
假如你后来遇到一个更喜欢的人,而她没有给你回信,让你心神不宁、心神不宁,那你记得,这也是我喜欢你的方式 。
If you meet someone you like more later, and she doesn't return your information, which makes you cranky and restless, then you remember, this is also the way I like you.
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