What about the first set of RMB that's hard to find?
第一套人民币(The First Series of RMB)是在中国共产党的领导下、中国人民解放战争胜利进军的形势下,由人民政府所属国家银行在1948年12月1日印制发行的唯一的法定货币。在图样题材上,选择当时经济建设和新社会人们生活的图案,生动展现出我国解放事业及建国初期人们的政治、生活、文化、社会百态,使人们领略到在党的领导下全国各族人民齐心协力、艰苦奋斗、自力更生建设新中国、新社会的如火如荼激情岁月。
The first set of RMB(The First Series of RMB) was the only legal currency printed and issued by the National Bank of the People's Government on December 1, 1948 under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the victory of the Chinese People's Liberation War. On the theme of the pattern, we chose the patterns of economic construction at that time and the lives of people in the new society to vividly show the liberation cause of China and the political, life, cultural, and social conditions of people in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. People appreciate the passionate years when the people of all ethnic groups worked together under the leadership of the Party to build a new China and a new society.
The first set of renminbi includes a total of 62 banknotes of 12 different denominations. Due to the age and specific historical background, it is quite difficult to collect genuine traces in the collection market, let alone the complete first set of RMB. The company was fortunate to collect a total of 21 yuan, this is a very precious collection. The renminbi contains 11 of all 12 denominations. It is a relatively complete set of renminbi. The future value and appreciation space are incalculable.
The most valuable of the 62 sets is 12 of them, which is known as the "twelve treasures." The reason why the "Twelve Treasures" became the "nobility" in the collection field was mainly due to its short release time and small number. Among them, the six kinds of banknotes with Mongolian and Weiwen on the back of the ticket further increase the difficulty of the collection because of their small range of use. It is not easy to keep two or three of the "twelve treasures" among collectors.
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