
1. 中国的京剧你觉得怎样?
How do you think of Chinese opera? (误)
What do you think of Chinese opera? (正)
How do you feel about Chinese opera? (正)
How do you like Chinese opera? (正)
注:How do you like it? = Do you like it much or little or dislike it?
2. 第二次世界大战是一九四五年八月十五日结束的。
The World War II came to an end on August 15, 1945. (误)
World War II came to an end on August 15th, 1945. (正)
The Second World War ended on August 15th, 1945. (正)
3. 昨天晚上我们整晚在看电视。
We spent last evening watching the television. (误)
We spent last evening watching television. (正)
注:television是一个不可数的名词,不能加冠词,也不能变成复数,但加有 set 一字时则非加冠词不可。
4. 旅行社告诉了我们许多关于夏威夷的情形。
The travel agency sent us many informations about the Hawaiian Islands. (误)
The travel agency sent us much information about the Hawaiian Islands. (正)
文句|中译英常译错的文句举例】The vacation begins from tomorrow. (误)
The vacation begins tomorrow. (正)
注:中文的“从”字在这场合是不要译出的,其他场合也不要译成from, 例如“新学期从四月开始。”The new term begins in April.
6. 这只表的价钱很贵。
The price of the watch is dear. (误)
The watch is dear. (正)
The price of the watch is high. (正)
I am a great friend with him. (误)
I am great friends with him. (正)
8. 旅行我总是坐三等。
I travel always by the third class. (误)
I always travel third class. (正)
I always take a third-class car. (正)
注:说坐几等时不要用介词,说坐船,坐车,坐飞机等才要,如by boat, by train, by plane之类。几等的等级前,不要用定冠词,但如不用travel 而改用take时,则要在等级前加一个不定冠词,等极后加一个名词,如上译例。
9. 我不想去。—— 他也是。
I don't wish to go. —So does he. (误)
I don't wish to go. —Nor does he. (误)
I don't wish to go. —Neither does he. (正)
10. 我不喜欢喝酒。——我兄弟也是一样。
I dislike to drink. — Neither does my brother. (误)
I dislike to drink. — So does my brother (正)
11. 谁在敲门?
Who is knocking the door? (误)
Who is knocking? (正)
Who is at the door? (正)
Who is knocking at the door? (正)
12. 你什么时候到过伦敦的?
When have you been to London? (误)
When did you go to London? (正)
When were you in London? (正)