为了提高本国的生育率 , 日本政府可谓是绞尽脑汁 。 最近日本又决定资助人工智能婚恋配对项目 , 希望高科技的“红娘”可以帮人们找到真爱 。
Photo from Pexels by D??ng Nhan
Japan plans to boost its tumbling birth rate by funding artificial intelligence matchmaking schemes to help residents find love.
为了提高不断下滑的生育率 , 日本计划资助人工智能婚恋配对项目来帮助居民找到真爱 。
From next year it will subsidise local governments already running or starting projects that use AI to pair people up.
从明年起 , 日本政府将补贴那些已经在运营或刚刚启动人工智能婚恋配对项目的地方政府 。
Last year the number of babies born in Japan fell below 865,000 - a record low.
去年日本的新生儿数量降至历史最低点 , 不足86500人 。
The fast-greying nation has long been searching for ways to reverse one of the world's lowest fertility rates.
长时间以来 , 这个快速老龄化的国家一直在寻找逆转世界最低生育率的方法 。
Boosting the use of AI tech is one of its latest efforts.
促进人工智能技术的使用就是日本最新的一个尝试 。
Next year the government plans to allocate local authorities 2bn yen to boost the birth rate, reported AFP news agency.
据法新社报道 , 明年日本政府计划给地方政府拨款20亿日元(约合人民币1.3亿元)以提高生育率 。
Many already offer human-run matchmaking services and some have introduced AI systems in the hope they will perform a more sophisticated analysis of the standardised forms where people submit their details.
许多地方政府已经在提供人工婚介服务 , 一些政府推出了人工智能系统 , 希望能够对人们提交的标准化详情表进行更精密的分析 。
A few of the existing systems are limited to considering criteria such as income and age, only producing a result if there is an exact match.
现有的几个人工智能系统只限于分析收入和年龄等标准 , 只有在完全匹配的情况下才会出结果 。
Local media say that the funding aims to allow authorities to harness more costly advanced systems that take into account factors like hobbies and values.
当地媒体称 , 这项拨款旨在让地方政府采用更昂贵的人工智能高级系统 , 可以分析爱好和价值观等因素 。
"We are especially planning to offer subsidies to local governments operating or starting up matchmaking projects that use AI," a cabinet official told AFP. "We hope this support will help reverse the decline in the nation's birthrate."
一名内阁官员告诉法新社说:“我们计划重点向运营或刚启动人工智能婚恋配对项目的地方政府提供补贴 。 我们希望这一支持能帮助逆转日本生育率下降的趋势 。 ”
Japan's population is projected to fall from a peak of 128 million in 2017 to less than 53 million by the end of the century.
据估计 , 到本世纪末 , 日本人口将从2017年的峰值1.28亿将至不到5300万 。
Policymakers are racing to ensure the country's contracting workforce can meet the expanding costs of welfare.
决策者正在和时间赛跑 , 确保日本不断缩水的劳动人口能负担不断增加的福利支出 。
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